Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Building A Better Wheel (Updated)

The long-awaited art fixture at the new plaza in front of the Riviera is finally happening. Based on a design by Uptown artist Lowell Thompson, the wheel of colors will represent the great diversity present in our community. It will stand 17 feet tall and light up at night.

The sculpture was in the process of being installed last year when the base cracked, and it had to be reconfigured. Looks like one of the final pieces of the streetscaping project is about to happen!

We really love how Uptown will have sculptures by talented local artists AND internationally known artists, like  Arpeggio by Cecil Balmond a couple blocks south of this, at the Wilson L station. The whimsical nature of the color wheel will play off the Flyboy mural across the street by Hebru Brantley.

Update: Matt from Ald. Cappleman's office says, "Hopefully the third time's the charm on installing this thing, as crews are scheduled to return this Friday to finish the heavy work."


  1. Hey, UU, thanks for the heads-up. It's been at least 3 years since I designed this piece. I wuz gettin' worried it would never happen. But, thanks to you I actually had a chance to see it being constructed yesterday - which had to be one of the windiest days on the windiest the Windy City.

    Anyway, I took pictures. If you want to see them, let moi know. OK?

  2. Please email them to us!

    1. I just saw this today. I just sent a bunch of shots. Let me know if you can use them, OK?
