"The Illinois Commerce Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to revoke Lincoln Towing Service’s state license, effective immediately."
We are in full agreement with Ald. Pawar when he said, "Tow truck companies need to exist. They just need to learn how to behave. And they need to do it in a way that’s not abusive or criminal."
Update: If it decides to sue, Lincoln Towing can challenge the Commission's decision in circuit court.
Update: Ald. Pawar's reaction is, "Boooooom!!!! #LincolnTowing is done! License revoked!"
Update: Here's when they've been featured on Uptown Update, and it's not even close to a complete list of what made them "special" among towing companies:
- A local resident started a change.com petition against the company when he read that Lincoln Towing towed a family's car from its legal and assigned spot behind their home.
- Then the ICC pointed out, from Lincoln's own records, 831 instances of illegal tows in six months.
- Then there was the time a tow truck driver called a local business owner and his husband homophobic slurs in front of their family.
- They towed a car from a public space, for which they had no contract, while the owner's wife was holding onto it.
If they are towing cars without a license, that sounds like theft to me. I would file a police report against them for any car they tow after their license was revoked.