Sunday, May 15, 2022

It's Our Crystal Day

Hard to believe, but May 15 marks the 15th anniversary of Uptown Update

We started the blog May 15, 2007. Our founding group consisted of five Uptown residents, both new and old. Our older contributors had been active in the neighborhood since the days of Ralph Axelrod and Jerry Orbach.  Everyone met online first, discovering each other on message boards and the proto-blogs of the day.  A social dinner in February 2007 led to a discussion of starting a common news source, and shortly after, one of our founding members started what we now know as Uptown Update.

Uptown Update was conceived as a community resource, hoping to centralize news of things happening in Uptown, both good and bad.  There was a lot of bad in those days, and as we wrote, our goal was to make our neighborhood a better place to live

We also promised to use a little sarcasm, and we continue to use a little jab or two today. Sometimes that earns us a smile, and sometimes it pisses people off. If you're one of the people continually pissed off at us, sorry for tormenting you for 15 years. :)

The team has changed over a decade and a half and contributors have come and gone. Some who were active in the beginning only participate via our very active channel on Slack. New members have come in  periodically "Skull and Bones" style, first receiving an email from our anonymous inbox (uptownupdate at hotmail dot com), followed by an invitation to meet in person with a member of our team. We approach contributors selectively, so anyone who receives an invitation demonstrated through actions and words that they were invested in making Uptown the best neighborhood it can be.  

To celebrate our Crystal Anniversary, we will be running a year long retrospective, taking Uptowners through a tour of the past 15 years. Highlights (or lowlights) from every year will run on our Facebook front page. Some of what we repost will shock newer residents.  

The Uptown we have today is the product of many people fighting together to make Uptown safe, clean, populous and beautiful for all residents. We believe everyone in Uptown deserves this, regardless of who you know or where you live in this big community. Everyone here at the newsdesk remains committed to the mission. We look forward to the next 15 years!


  1. I first remember hearing about Uptown Update from reading another blog from Buena Park Neighbors. Fifteen years isn't that long of a time except when you consider what all has happened since then. Congrats!

  2. Thank you, thank you!! This ol' Uptowner appreciates all the news you pass along. I've been a lifelong lover of Uptown, born in 1954 at the OLD Ravenwood Hospital when it sat at Wilson and Winchester. So glad to be part of your clientele. Keep up the good and needed works here! Our residents need you.

  3. Thank you, Uptown Update. You all provide such a valuable service for the whole community. I am extremely grateful for all you do. And I like the occasional sarcasm!

  4. I just went through the archives a bit. Lots of great stuff here that most people who've haven't lived here for decades will have no recollection of.

    Uptown Update has made a positive difference and has annoyed many people over the years. Those are both good things.

    May the site continue into infinity and beyond.

    With elections next year it should prove interesting.

    The nabe is noticeably better than it was 15 years ago or 40 plus years ago when I first encountered it.

    15 years from now I hope and expect to be able to say the same thing. 40 years from now I'll most likely be dead, but feel free to contact me in a seance for my opinion.

  5. Just the other day I was thinking of the longevity of the site and dedication it must take to keep up with this week after week. You all should be very proud of what you've built here!
