Sunday, May 15, 2022

4701 N. Clark Rendering Reveal

4701 N. Clark, 360 Design Studio

$7.5 million project seeking to replace a vacant bank and drive-thru at 4701 N. Clark with residential has been posted to Ald. Cappleman's ward website.

We first heard about this 5 story residential development around 6 months ago, but the details have only come to light over the last week.  As designed, the project would include 38 units with a mix of 29 two bedroom/two bath units and 9 two bedroom/one bath units. Parking on-site for 21 vehicles and 62 bicycles would also be included. Affordable units will be required either on or off-site due to the zoning change request associated with the project. The developer is currently requesting half of the required affordable units to be on-site and the other half would be an in-lieu fee paid to the city's affordable housing trust fund.

The developer is requesting a zoning change from the current B3-2 to a B2-3 classification which would allow residential units on the ground floor and no retail. Uptown United Development Partners Committee (The Uptown Chamber of Commerce) has reviewed and approved the plans for ground floor residential but gave feedback on how to make the facade better interact with the sidewalk and pedestrian area around the building. UPDATE: Uptown United Development Partners has reached out to clarify that although they are in support of a building in that location, they have requested changes to the submitted design and await the developer's response to give a full go-ahead. The plans also need to be reviewed by the city's new Committee on Design. 

Because this development is under the $10 million threshold, it will only be reviewed by the local block club Clark Street Neighbors Association. The CSNA board will give their feedback to Alderman Cappleman and the project will not go before the 46th Ward Zoning & Development Committee or Dover Street Neighbors Association, the adjacent block club that formerly claimed jurisdiction over Clark Street and stopped previous development projects.

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