Friday, December 17, 2021

101 Units of New Affordable Housing Approved for Uptown

Yesterday the Chicago Department of Planning and Development announced that it had approved two new affordable housing developments in Uptown, one at 835 West Wilson and one at 4737 N. Sheridan.

Taken together, the two developments will add 101 new units of affordable to the neighborhood and add needed density, filling a long-empty lot on Wilson and replacing an unsightly street level parking lot on Sheridan.

835 W. Wilson (Chicago DPD)

First reported here in June 2020, 835 West Wilson will be affordable senior housing. Per DPD, twenty units will be rented at 30% of the AMI ("area median income"), 34 units will be rented at 60% of the AMI, and 19 units will be rented at 80% of the AMI. Brinshore Developments, a developer focusing on affordable developments, is the owner and developer.

4737 N. Sheridan (Chicago DPD)

The building at 4737 N. Sheridan, first reported here in October 2020, is the third location for Sarah's Circle and will be paid for by over $3 million in in lieu funds from the upcoming 4600 N. Marine Development.  The building will provide 28 units of permanent supportive housing units for at risk women below 30% of the AMI, office space for Sarah's Circle, and six parking spaces. 

Local residents will recall that Sarah's Circle built another 38 unit building at Sheridan and Leland in 2019 using $3.5 million of local TIF funds. Alderman Cappleman wrote that in his June 2021 letter approving the 4600 Marine development that Sarah's Circle would not use TIF funds for this project, but we heard from the 46th Ward Office that Sarah's Circle needed to tap $500,000 from the local TIF for project design after DPD requested revisions.

At the same time, Weiss Hospital's owner has continued to follow through on promises made during the review process for 4600 Marine, announcing that a new multimillion dollar renovation and expansion is prepared to give Weiss one of the most advanced orthopedic units in the city.

From our perspective here at UU, this news, coupled with the upcoming 4600 N. Marine project, looks like a win-win-win-win outcome for the residents of Uptown. We look forward to the added density, infill of empty spaces, and increased availability of affordable housing to Uptown's most vulnerable women and seniors.


  1. Maybe my math is bad, but is 1/3 of the AMI = income $15,000 a month in earnings? The avg income in Uptown is 50,000 x .30%. Somebody correct me. $15,000 invites gig workers and really really low-income earners. Will these be one BR, two BR?

    1. There's no need to correct you!
      You have functional illiteracy. It is another expression of the flashy-trashy life you lead. No one in Uptown uses language to insult people the way you do. It's your level, not Uptown's.
