Sunday, July 29, 2018

Going Up!

It's an Uptown uprising! Now that the former El Pollo Loco building is gone and the building permits have been issued, the new mixed-use residential retail building at the corner of Wilson and Sheridan has begun to go vertical.

Eight and a half years of having an empty lot at a major intersection was far too long.

1 comment:

  1. (It don't come easy, you know it don't come easy)
    (It don't come easy, you know it don't come easy)

    Got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues
    And you know it don't come easy
    You don't have to shout or leap about
    You can even play them easy
    Forget about the past and all your sorrow
    The future won't last
    It will soon be your tomorrow
