If you're planning on driving Sunday morning, a reminder that Lake Shore Drive will be closed between 5am and 11am for
Bike The Drive, from Bryn Mawr to 57th Street. That puts additional traffic on surrounding streets, so don't expect to get anywhere fast unless you're on two wheels. Here's hoping for good weather for the cyclists!
The other cause for more traffic in Uptown is the decision by the Chicago Park District construction supervisor on Wednesday to keep the 600 car Park District parking lot locked shut all Memorial Day weekend. It will be opened June 1. There was absolutely not coordination by the Park District with the police, the alderman's office, or Traffic Services. The current plan, according to Police Neighborhood Relations, is to simply shut down the park with squad cars on the LSD off ramps even earlier this year. Oh Joy! for those of us who live here. Normally, that lot and every street parking spot is filled on summer holiday weekends. That means that there will be 600 cars displaced onto Lake Shore Drive and into our community looking for parking spaces that do not exist. Do you think anyone in the City could have put out a news release or ask for signs along the drive to inform the public? Heck no. SO, Uptowners, plan for a traffic nightmare of spectacular proportions this weekend. The city guys are relying on the rain to take care of any congestion. Sure, like that is going to happen.