Monday, May 19, 2014

Cornerstone's Disappearing Cornice

The Cornerstone run "Leland House" on the SW corner of Leland and Malden has sure seen better days. A reader sends us this photo from today and tells us that workers have been removing the remaining cornice from the top of the building (just a small section remains on the left). The same cornice that was in such disrepair back in 2010 that it was literally crumbling and falling down onto the sidewalk below. A large section was removed to "repair" the problem and that was how it remained since September 2010. Fast foward to today, and you can see how the building looks. Doubtful any sort of historic restoration will take place, so neighbors should get used to this new look.


  1. why do we need to get used to this kind of squalor? i live just up the block and that entire corner, including the two buildings directly across the street, and the section 8 dump just south of same next to Gooseberry are street gang dens. their is always illicit activity outside of them, including the Gooseberry park. the cops need to crack some heads and tell them loitering is illegal. all of those buildings could be attractive if they were gutted, rehabbed and made market rate. at least that is what I would do if owned them.

  2. Thanks Cornerstone for being such a contributing member to the community. Just kidding, you’re terrible.

    If this is the outside, just imagine the inside. Buildings Dept. needs to take an in-depth look if they haven’t already.

  3. My company just bought the building on the northeast corner of Malden & Leland and moved everyone out and did a gut rehab. They are great units and it would be nice to see others get the same treatment.
