Thursday, August 25, 2011

Closing Challenger Bark

But only for 24 hours to paint the asphalt and do touch-up work.

Friday, August 26th at 7pm we will be doing the prep work and power wash (if possible) and then locking the gates.

Saturday, August 27th we will be working all day and hope to have the Bark re-opened by 7pm. This depends on the dry rate of the paint so we may have to keep it closed until early Sunday morning.

Anyone wanting to help out Friday evening with the prep work, please email Kent at We also need a couple of people to help out with the Saturday afternoon touch-up work and painting the black separation boards. We hope to start this at 2pm.


Challenger Bark Committee


  1. I would just like to thank this group for working so hard to spruce up the park. I have not used the facility as much since my son arrived, but my four legged baby has enjoyed the facility for the last 6 years and I am glad to see a group actively working together to improve our community.

  2. Why, you're very welcome! It's been really fun but there's still so much to do. You know, the little things like fix the message boards and get the poop bag dispensers up. Can't promise it will all get done this year be we've definitely aimed high!

