Friday, April 22, 2011

Carts Of Treasures On Clifton

A frustrated reader writes in:
"I really wanted to believe that things were getting better on the 4600 block of Clifton, aka Blood Alley. What I saw today when I decided to cut over to Wilson was discouraging to say the least. I counted 3 shopping carts, two of which were full of god only knows what. The orange cart I sent the photo of (click to enlarge) is filled with Natural Light and Icehouse beer cans. Recently, when I was in front of Truman, I witnessed a known gang member meet his drug client here on Clifton where they engaged in a well choreographed "dance" where the gangbanger dropped the bag of drugs on the sidewalk in front of the "security guards"  and the client picked it up and was on his way. I called 911 of course. Clifton is the LAST PLACE we need unattended shopping carts filled to the brim. They are the perfect hiding place for drugs. The security guards hired by Cornerstone are turning a blind eye to the drug dealing and drinking (see cart) that are still happening on this street."


  1. Yeah 2 unattended shopping carts were on Morse lately, I have them now in my garage, I could use them.

    I have a grey cart and one of those red carts.

    I would just get rid of it, or call up the metal scrap guy and clue them in to them being there.

  2. Btw I took the week off for garbage duty for winthrop inbetween leland and lawrence.
    (spring break)

    But I will be back next week with another garbage update.

  3. JPUSA and Marc Kaplan.. who supported Ms. Phelan and run Cornerstone and many other shelters.... the clock is ticking... do you hear it.... tick-tock-tick-tock... better start getting your act together now on these.. and start cleaning up your crappy buildings before May 18th! Love ya, Happy Easter!

  4. Me thinks that this is just part and parcel of the spring renewal of chaos.

    The denizens have to mark their territory some how and add a bit of hum well chaos in response to the recent lights/clean up etc.

    Push and Pull. It goes on right by me as well. Two steps forward and one step back. The trick is you have to quickly dispose of this silliness and chaos.

    These people have had free reign in these areas for years, for some its their birthright.

    What I think is funny is that for me it takes more effort to take a picture and upload it and email it. I am just more hands on and bam the problem is gone.

  5. What can a security guard do about drug dealing that you couldn't do as well? Does a hired security guard that is un-armed on a public street really have any authority?

    I know I wouldn't listen to some rent-a-cop, even more so if I were the seller or buyer of illegal drugs.

  6. I just love it when JPUSA'ers such as Otto prove so helpful.

    He's right. A security guard just doesn't cut it. Cornerstone needs to hire some off duty cops like Target goes.

    Thanks for the idea, Otto.

  7. Maybe Cornerstone should consider hiring security guards who don't buy and sell heroin. No wonder they don't do anything to stop the dealing.

  8. Instead of paying off-duty cops to break up drug deals in an area known for this kind of activity, why don't the already paid on-duty cops do it?
