Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Shots Fired Near Lawrence/Kenmore

Neighbors are telling us that there were nine shots fired on the 4800 block of Winthrop Kenmore around 8:20.  Cops responded quickly and in force.  Not sure if anyone was injured.

It's only March and we're already sick of this idiocy.  Please post any further information in the comments.

Update:  According to a commenter on our Facebook page, a 20-year-old male was shot in the eye thigh. Three suspects are in custody.  (This is all per the police scanner, which may not be the most accurate source of information, as it's broadcasting in real time.)  A gun was recovered after it was tossed into a yard.  Cops are combing Lawrence between Winthrop and Kenmore for shell casings.

The Chicago Breaking News story is here.

A reader sent in a link to the scanner feed of the incident and says:  "At 17:41 on the archived tape I sent you they have the weapon in offender in the same minute they confirm that they found a victim. Funny that neighbors are getting so vigilant that we now find offenders and weapons before we find the victim."


  1. first time i've ever heard actual gunshots while out in the neighborhood. i was at magnolia and leland. they sounded a lot closer than lawrence and winthrop. police sirens quickly followed.

  2. My wife heard it from Racine and Leland

  3. I heard the shots and looked out my window to see a gang banger running south of Lawrence on Kenmore with an unmarked on his tail, hopefully they caught him

    That's 3 shootings in this area in a week and a half. I hope Phelan or Cappleman have an answer for this. At this point I'm ready to walk away from my condo and this neighborhood, it's just not safe for my family.

  4. My wife and I were out walking out dog at Malden/Leland and heard all 9 shots very clearly. They did sound very close by!

    We've lived here for the past 4 years and it just seems to get worse every year. The sad thing is that even when our new alderman comes in and cleans up the neighborhood, it will be years before we see the results. Lincoln Park is looking very welcoming right about now.

  5. Someone got shot. Ambulance sped off...

  6. There was a good number of police in the alley behind the McDonalds on Wilson about a half hour ago. It looked like they were looking for searching for something that might have been thrown in the alley. Not sure if it's related to Winthrop. As I look out my window, I still see a few police in the alley.

  7. I tuned into the police scanner …said 4621 N. Kenmore and also pitched gun in yard behind McDonalds. It seemed they were looking for two 17-18 year old black male suspects wearing a red sweatshirt and one with a red hat. Also said a 20 year old black male was shot but it wasn’t clear if that was from this same incident.

  8. Shot in the eye? Doesn't that also mean that a person was shot in the head?

  9. Yes. Police were taking photos around 915 of the scene.

  10. Unidentified Black male running west on Lawrence then turning north on to Winthrop moments after shots were fired. Saw as it happen from the corner Chase Bank at Winthrop and Lawrence and dropped to the ground.

    To think they (The City) have a police camera at this corner. It's unfortunate this kind of thing happens, and will continue to happen when you have corners like "Sheridan and Lawrence" & "Wilson and Sheridan".

    The scary thing is, Uptown violence is being approached in a reactive way rather than a proactive way. Nothing will change if these thugs continue to gather outside at your "run down, expired junk food, 0.25 cent soda pop, corner mini mart" as if it were Englewood.

    I digress.

    - Uptown Paladin

  11. This was the second time I have been walking my dog and found myself within a block of shots being fired. (I live on the corner of Winthrop and Leland) Last time I was walking north on Broadway, at approx. 3pm on a Sunday, and shots were fired on the corner of Wilson and Kenmore. I agree with the earlier comment that the neighborhood is getting worse. I have been in the area since 2006.

  12. Somewhere Ralphies mom is saying I told you so...

  13. This is the link to the archived police radio at the time of this incident pretty hairy.

    It starts at the 11:45 minute mark.

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  16. p, thanks for sharing.
    eye in the sky, thanks for the laugh!

  17. I'm sure one of the usual 6+ people loitering in front of the Lawrence House can provide details to the police?

  18. Shot in the left eye and still talking? The man is very lucky not to be dead. Was the victim a gangbanger? Was it a targeted shooting or just someone just randomly shooting at people on Lawrence?

  19. So crime scene at 1020 W. Lawrence, shell casings at 1044 W. Lawrence, victim (last name Hawkins?) at 4848 N. Winthrop?

  20. Maybe someone can ask Helen at her 'forum' why she NEVER says ANYTHING about crime.. she still is collecting a pay check from us little taxpayers through May...

  21. WHAT?

    According to yesterdays "Fresh Harvest" posts this area is completely safe?! Nope, nothing to see here at all. Mooooove along, moooove along.

    Must of been firecrackers or champagne corks popping in unison.

    I hope the cops take CHITOWNPHILLY'S advice from yesterday and narrow their search to "People who look different from me."

  22. Wow, chip, helpful post. Are we really going have an argument about whose area is "safer"?

  23. Doesn't James Cappleman live on the 4700 block of Kenmore? This would be right on his block if it were at Lawrence and Kenmore, no?

  24. I'm sorry Meg, I get a little upset when people play Helen Shiller and deny we have unacceptable levels of violence in in Uptown, then play the class, race warfare cards to scare off further discussion. THEN less than 12 hours later someone gets shot in THE SAME area. Call me cynical.

    I suppose levels of security are left to peoples own perspectives but I don't think I want to live in a world where the status quo of the recent world of Uptown is acceptable. Call me optimistic.

    I can direct all further blog post to your personal email in the future and and you can let me know what's "helpful" to the world according to Meg if you wish? Call me charitable.

    Cynical. Optimistic. Charitable.

  25. Cynical. Optimistic. Charitable.
    What a volatile mix, Chip. I've always liked your posts before, so maybe rather than e-mailing me, just take a deep breath before typing.

  26. Jeff said...
    Doesn't James Cappleman live on the 4700 block of Kenmore? This would be right on his block if it were at Lawrence and Kenmore, no?

    Yes, and yes. I've lived on the same block for 12 years. For all the condo conversions and renovations and built-out retail spaces, I feel much less safe in this area now than I did back in 1999. What the hell is going on???

  27. A big change in the area in the last 10 years has been the management of the Lawrence House. This, despite the condo and retail development, is a problem. It has been sold to for-profit developers who do NOT care about the welfare of those living in the building. Dealers run the show outside and in some places inside. There is the demand for the drug land that the gangs are trying to conquer. The incessant loitering with no consequence and quick escapes to the convenience stores on Lawrence/Sheridan does not help.

  28. Sorry - got my blocks mixed up... Ignore my 4600 block comment! ;-)

  29. I'm absolutely with Toucan. We've lived on the 4700 block of Kenmore for 10 years and don't recall it ever being this bad. A while back I was walking my two grandsons to Target; had the baby in his stroller and my 11 year-old walking with me. When we had to cross Wilson and Kenmore I was beyond nervous. I love this neighborhood, but really starting to feel more isolated every passing day.

  30. @ChipDouglas
    1.) You say "According to yesterdays "Fresh Harvest" posts this area is completely safe?!"

    Show me when I said the area is completely safe. Im waiting.

    2.)You say "I'm sorry Meg, I get a little upset when people play Helen Shiller and deny we have unacceptable levels of violence in in Uptown"

    Show me when I said violence in uptown is at an acceptable level, please...I'm still waiting.

    3.) Why don't you stop whining and making passive aggressive posts and instead, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!. Man up, Chip! Confront those loiterers and misfits, as I do. As Stalin once said, "No revolution can be made with silk gloves."

    If your afraid, then move to Lincoln Park with Lance and Cougar043. I'll quote a classic from President Truman, "If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen." If you can handle it, then stay and help us 'cool' things off. The hands off, sit at home and type about it approach just isn't cutting it anymore. I'm on your side Chip, and I'm willing to put myself in the middle of it all if I have to.

  31. @ChiTownPhilly- It's good to know that we have an honest to goodness superhero living in our midst. I feel much safer knowing that you are singlehandedly stopping crime in Uptown. Before making accusations, you may want to realize that we are all in this together and nobody wants this crap going on in our neighborhood. The only reason I consider moving is to keep my family from taking a bullet from one of these senseless gangbangers. I really don't see what's so wrong with that.

  32. CTP... I don't mind putting MYSELF in the middle, but I do have to make responsible choices when it comes to my children and their friends.They can't make choices for themselves . I have often contemplated the safety of Lincoln Park for the safety of my kids.

  33. CHITOWNPHILLY did I say you said all those things? No I said you made the idiot Helen Shiller comment about "being afraid of people who don't look like me." Now you top it off with Helen talk about "moving to Lincoln Park."

    Does she send out press kits where you receive your speaking points? Do you have any original thoughts on your own? Do you get paid to be Uptown's loan Super Hero? Did Andy Lam offer to be your sidekick like Robin?

    Did you really just quote Stalin?

  34. LANCE,
    Nothing is wrong with that, if you want to go, then go. But I am sick and tired of reading the comments on every 'shots fired' report and half of them are people saying how they are 'this close' to moving somewhere else. People who say that are not in this fight wholeheartedly. And frankly, I feel like we are better off without you and your half hearted effort at a better Uptown.

    As far as your post goes,
    "Before making accusations, you may want to realize that we are all in this together and nobody wants this crap going on in our neighborhood...."

    Who did I accuse of what exactly? Other than people being afraid to step up to the people they constantly complain about? I am no superhero, but you are passive aggressive. And your missing your own point, you know, the part where we are all in this together?

    Random Hero, CTP

  35. Enough.

    If you want to trade insults, go somewhere else. If you want to talk about the issues, carry on.

  36. I very much mind putting myself in the middle. Call me self-centered and obsessed with my own importance, and forgive me for having the unspeakable temerity to value my own life and health enough to move out of harm's way. I can't afford to be disabled for life by a stray bullet. Paraplegic is forever, and so is dead.

    Now that the real estate bubble has popped and prices for even downtown and Lincoln Park have dropped back to sane levels, people are hesitant to commit 20% down to a place in a neighborhood where you aren't safe walking from your house to your car. The far north neighborhoods of Uptown, Edgewater, and Rogers Park are going to have to EARN increases in value by solving their problems with violence, crime, and gangs.

  37. Why do you guys think I am being such a hard ass on the CHASE at lawrence and winthrop?

    They tolerate loiterers on their own very corner and they tolerate gang graffiti.

    I am fighting both on a weekly basis and am picking up litter.

    Thats proactive!

  38. I have seen the dirty looks from gangbangers and their supporters.

    Like I said in my report this week, hidden under the drunk driving annoucement for checks,

    I was in Chase just yesterday and I was talking to them about their graffiti AGAIN!

  39. Is it just a lull in comment updating or am I being censored now?

  40. I am in agreement with ChiTownPhilly.

    Fight for your CITY!
    Fight for it or LEAVE!
    The bangers arent going to just give up without a fight.
    Whoever wants it more will get the neigborhood and I am betting on US!

    Thats why I am doing, fighting for Rogers Park and for Uptown.

  41. Well, I had prepared a lengthy response which, at my own fault, was not approved because it involved some name calling.

    So, ChipDouglas, I'll sum it up, like Jeffo did.

    Fight for your CITY!
    Fight for it or LEAVE!
