Monday, February 28, 2011

The Spot's "Polar Plunge"

You know those crazy people who gleefully jump into Lake Michigan when it's freezing out?  Here's a little secret:  They live among us! 

The Spot is preparing for its Fifth Annual Polar Plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics, on Sunday, March 6th, at 10am.  If you'd like to join them, please email The Spot and reserve your, um, spot.  Plungers get free breakfast and booze.

If you'd rather go the more conservative (and by that, we mean "saner" and "warmer"), you can make a tax-deductible pledge here.  Last year The Spot raised nearly $4,000 for Chicago's Special Olympics; and they're hoping to raise $5,000 this year.  You can help.


  1. Hope the participants are careful. This stuff can be hazardous to your face!

  2. As a person who finds the lake cold even in the height of summer, I give these people a lot of credit for taking the plunge for a great cause.
