Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Gotta Love Chicago Elections

In the third Uptown aldermanic race, in the 47th Ward, Ald. Schulter's surprise announcement that he was dropping out of the race after holding office since 1975 put a lot of attention on his good friend, candidate Tom O'Donnell.  In fact, Schulter endorsed O'Donnell's candidacy

The Welles Park Bulldog did some digging around on his resume and found that he might not be telling, um, the entire truth about his qualifications.  Read about it here, in the Bulldog.


  1. I just hope our next aldermen in 46 and 47 work together to revitalize Clark Street.

    I can buy all the cheap handbags I want within a stone's throw, but have to travel six blocks to buy a fresh head of lettuce.

  2. YDD, I wonder if you would want to consider a candidate who already has a long history of working well with other elected officials?

  3. Does anyone know any other candidate forums set for the 47th? This article was quite an eye opener!

  4. "The Center Square Journal and Inside Publications have scheduled a candidates forum for Tuesday, February 15 at 7:00 pm at the DANK Haus, 4740 N. Western Ave. The moderator will be Mick Dumke, political reporter from the Chicago News Cooperative." --

    Personally, I'm pretty impressed with Ameya Pawar:

  5. There was a forum last week at Coonley School I went to. O'Donnell was just awful. Where did the machine find this guy!? He couldn't complete a full, coherent sentence. I know public speaking isn't for everyone, but He is trying to fun for PUBLIC OFFICE! It is kind of important to know how to speak publicly.
    The best candidate by far at the forum for progressives was Matt Reichel ( He's got my vote.
