Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Throwing Good Money After Bad

Wow.  The Mosa building is like a bad penny: it just keeps on turning up.

Nearly a year after a housing court judge ruled that the building (1014-1036 W Leland) had been illegally converted to condos, and that individual units could no longer be sold... someone sold one!

In October, for the grand total of $1500. 

A good price, until you consider that there's no way the new "owner" can take possession.  The article in Curbed Chicago asks, "Is there something we're missing about this place?"  Our answer:  the Mosa Building is apparently Uptown's answer to the Brooklyn Bridge.  We hope anyone else interested in buying a non-existent unit in this building does due diligence before writing a check.


  1. Yeah I remember that article in Curbed.

    Ummm. If it sounds to good to be true then guess what????!!!!

    There are some people you can fool all the time....

  2. Who cashed the $1500. check I wonder........?

  3. Who would buy into a building even after seeing that the ground floor retail units haven't been repaired.....from damage caused years ago???

  4. I have been in these "condos" they are all wrecked.
