Thursday, November 4, 2010

Here We Go Again...

Many readers got an unwelcome wake-up call at 3:20am:  two bursts of gunfire, with anywhere between 8 and 12 shots heard.  Many calls to 911 were made, and police sirens were heard immediately afterwards.  We thought the shots were from around Wilson and Broadway, although people were woken up by them at Sunnyside/Sheridan, too, and as far south as Montrose and Hazel.  Judging from the many emails we got, an educated guess might be around Wilson/Sheridan.

Got any more info?  Please put it in the comments.

This insanity has got to end.  It's like the OK Corral around here.  It's very, very frightening just how eager certain Uptowners are to kill each other.

Update:  It looks like the shooting happened on Kenmore near Winthrop, just north of Wilson.  "This morning I found 7 spent .45 semi-auto casings at the north-west corner of Winthrop and Kenmore. Two cars (north on Kenmore on the east side of the street) had bullet holes, so it looks like the shooter had a northbound moving target. Not good news."   The CAPS meeting for that area is Beat 2312, Tuesday, November 16, 7pm, Cafe Too Engagement Center, 4715 N Sheridan.


  1. I live on the south end of the 4600block of Kenmore and it sounded like the shots were right out in front of my building. We immediately jumped to the phone and the window, but were only able to see 4-5 differently dressed people casually walking away from that area separately like nothing happened. They were all gone before the squad car arrived. With all the other nighttime shootings we've woken to lately, at least my infant daughter has not been affected. This one was close enough that she woke up screaming.

  2. I heard the same thing.They sounded like they came from the area around Sheridan and Leland.Got up,looked out the window,didn't see or hear anyone.The saga continues...

  3. I heard them too and I live on Sheridan and Sunnyside. It's amazing that we all heard them so clearly. It sounded like it came from right outside my condo. So tired of this crap.

  4. It won't be getting much better anytime soon, either.

    While we pay our outrageous taxes and try to keep our neighborhoods decent and respectable, the Police Dept. is taking YOUR police officers from the north side districts and redeploying them to the south and west sides. Common sense will tell you that with LESS enforcement, there will be MORE crime. Apparently, the goal is to redistribute the victimization of Chicago residents city wide, so that no one particular neighborhood is affected more than the others.
    That's only fair, Right?

    Oh, and having already mentioned taxes, and now that the election is over, everyone please bend over and prepare to receive your newly inflated real estate tax bill that the corrupt politicians didn't want you to see BEFORE you voted.

    Thanks for participating!

  5. I am somewhat new to this...isn't there anything like a "Take Back The Night" rally that happens here? Something were we can let these people know that we want a safer community? If so...I would love to participate!

  6. There were/are at least 5 gold shell casings right on the South corner of Kenmore and Winthrop at 7:30 this morning, and a car had been shot.

  7. Can anyone summarize for us how each of the aldermanic candidates has responded to this latest rash of senseless crime? I thought I heard something about Cappleman talking to police, but I could be wrong. It would be helpful to see what kinds of reactions we can expect post-February.

  8. Big City Police (Ret.) said...
    It won't be getting much better anytime soon, either.

    While we pay our outrageous taxes and try to keep our neighborhoods decent and respectable, the Police Dept. is taking YOUR police officers from the north side districts and redeploying them to the south and west sides. Common sense will tell you that with LESS enforcement, there will be MORE crime. Apparently, the goal is to redistribute the victimization of Chicago residents city wide, so that no one particular neighborhood is affected more than the others.
    That's only fair, Right?

    Oh, and having already mentioned taxes, and now that the election is over, everyone please bend over and prepare to receive your newly inflated real estate tax bill that the corrupt politicians didn't want you to see BEFORE you voted.

    Thanks for participating!

    November 4, 2010 8:25 AM

    This is a fact of life in todays Chicago. I have seen 023 District squad cars riding around in Westside districts that I happened to be passing through. This is the fault of the Command staff downtown. The Commander of the 023 District has no control over this,do not blame her. Voice your complaint to the Office of the Superintendent!

  9. I live at Hutchinson and Clarendon and got woken up by the shots. Sirens came only about a minute or two after.

  10. Per the original post, I heard them clear as a bell at Montrose and Hazel and immediately called 911... I counted 10-12 shots but, like most, they woke me from a deep sleep so I was a bit groggy when they rang out through the night... From my estimation, it seemed like they were from farther south than the Sheridan/Leland area, per Elliott - I estimated more along the lines of Sheridan/Wilson or even a bit south of that, in the Sunnyside area... With all of this happening in such a small, isolated area, it seems like even a LITTLE more police presence would be of huge benefit - it's not a huge area to patrol!!!

  11. There were police investigating this morning on Kenmore where Winthrop connects to Kenmore. Apparently this is where at least some of the shots were fired.

  12. I live at Buena and Clarendon. Just happened to be woken up by my cat a few moments before and heard the shots in the distance then the sirens a couple minutes later. This is like the Twilight Zone, you meet so many nice people in Buena Park and Uptown yet this stuff happens when the sun goes down?

  13. Heard the shots all the way over at Buena and Clarendon. This is like the twilight zone.

  14. Too bad we can't just open a shooting range on a certain block of Carmen so these punks can have at each other...

  15. Sheridan Park Girl, you asked how the candidates are reacting to the violence. Cappleman was over on Montrose right after the shots were fired on Halloween talking to the police. I didn't see anyone else, including the aldeman - hahaha, like she'd be caught anywhere in Uptown.

  16. Miss Kitty - fabulous idea...!!! Leave them to their self-extermination without putting the rest of the community at risk...!!! (I would TOTALLY donate to this cause - building a facility for these guys to settle their disputes in - heck yes...) Keep your bullets to yourselves!!!

  17. Cappleman's partner was out talking to the police this morning on Kenmore.

  18. OK, here's the latest. My car in one of the 2 cars that were hit(see picture). My building was hit(bullet recovered) The building next door was hit (foyer). Trying to contact condo-owner but he will see the broken glass. My wife and I thought it was 7 shots but CPD found 8 casings so far, bullet recovered from my car. Appearently shooting was on Winthrop toward Kenmore, woke me and my wife up. Call 911 and wasn't gonna DARE go to the window. It was too dark to see damage until after sunrise. Personal statement; We've been on this block for 14 yrs. and we're not leaving, so whomever the "crazies"(CPD description) are, guess who's leaving first!

  19. @Katie, there's "positive loitering" pretty much weekly, but the shooting just moves around.

    so does anyone know if there were any injuries or just the building and cars? Infractben, I'm glad you guys weren't in the car!! wow!

  20. UU,

    Please make a correction. Your entry says the CAPS meeting for area 2311 is Tuesday Nov 16th. I believe it's Tuesday Nov 9th.


  21. Sorry - Beat 2311 is Nov. 9th for the Sheridan Park area.

    Beat 2312 is November 16th for the area where this latest shooting took place.

  22. Infractben -- you have support!! Thanks for standing up to the thugs!

  23. It seems that until some innocent bystander is killed nothing major will be done.

    And what everyone knows needs to be done is.....
    Kick out the trouble makers,
    and get rid of (atleast some of)the superconcentrated low income housing.

    For instance Lawrence House would be a very cool Hotel. And the tall building across from Unique needs to be converted to something other than a flop house.

    We need 1) Big bucks/TIF to invest in getting rid of some of these slum hotels 2) Political will and Public outcry to a much larger extent than what is currently happening 3) More Police
    4) Zero tolerance for gangs.
    Better Laws would that help us and police

    Stuff we already know,
    but I dont think it will happen until some MAJOR MAJOR publicity,
    like an innocent bystander getting killed.

    If some trick or treater or family had been killed on halloween
    we would have some major shakeups.
    And unless something is done
    I think it is only a matter of time

  24. My other thoughts are,
    this neigborhood is still undergoing gentrification,
    and these guys are doing there damndest to stop it, whether pursposefully or in a passive aggressive fashion.

    It wont stop it though.
    This is last major CITY part of the City to gentrify.
    And it will, its just market forces.

    You have a an unstoppable force (gentrification) hitting an unmoveable object (entreched low income housing and those people benefitting from it politically and monetarily) and that is bound to cause havoc.

  25. @Lissa, A friend of mine said, "there's nothing good going on @ 3AM". @Meg, Aldermanic Race is very important to our neighborhood, we need to fight for more $ to put cops on the street and not just spread them around. Lissa was unfortunately right, there are regular "positive loitering" events but but the "G's" move around. (Believe it or not they use FB and twitter too!). Well, gotta get my car fixed, bullet holes are not a good optional feature :)

  26. Later 46ers! Good luck dodging bullets for the next few years (unless you elect carroll,that is).

    i have left the building, the ward, the city, and very soon, the state. YAY!

  27. Was just going to sleep when this happened and I'm at Sheridan and Wilson.

    This stuff is just freaking me out more and more.

    There was/still are some large graffiti tags on the building on Wilson and Hazel. Worst part was that the graffiti was ugly.

  28. Folks. Let me reiterate...

    More police? Sorry, but no.,0,653145.story

    In the meantime, some of the police officers you now have will begin to disappear as they are sent to the south and west sides. Uptown? We are not even on the Mayor's or Police Superintendent's radar for beefing up manpower and as pepperspray said, these decisions are coming from downtown, NOT from the 23rd District.

  29. k.barrick....

    needless to say you called in the graffiti to 311 right?

    I give the gangbangers no peace in my neck of the woods in Rogers Park, because god knows they give me no peace.

    All litter is picked up, all graffiti called in to 311 and all loitering called into 911 and so on and so on and so on.

    All dead trees are called in too.

    Just Taking Care Of Business......

  30. Big City Police -
    to your knowledge, is there anything that can be done / anyone that can be called or petitioned to stop taking police force out of Uptown?

  31. Geofredo, your gentrification comments made me think of this:

    Maybe we can put a few of these outside the troubled residences :)
