Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Civil Unions Bill Passes Illinois House

The dedication and hard work of State Rep. Greg Harris (13th District - including Uptown) led to a historic civil unions bill (SB1716, "Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act") passing through The Illinois House of Representatives this evening.

"We have a chance today to make Illinois a more fair state, a more just state, and a state which treats all of its citizens equally under the law," Harris said on the House floor.

Earlier in the day, a Senate committee, pushed by Sen. Heather Steans (7th District - including Uptown) and others, attached the civil unions bill to an unrelated Senate bill and subsequently passed it out of committee on a 6-2 vote. Since the House went on to pass Harris' bill, though, it's expected that the Senate will vote on the bill on Thursday.

Read more about it at Gay Chicago Magazine, NBC Chicago or Chicago Tribune.

Better yet, if you are happy about this legislation, contact your local representatives - Rep Harris and Sen Steans to say thank you! It's really the only neighborly thing to do.


  1. Thanks for using us as one of your links. Gary Barlow did a great job of covering this historic event.

  2. I'd like to know who the two weeniesw were who voted "present" and the three weenies who didn't vote at all. These people have the power to do what do many would love to do -- make laws -- and they're too cowardly to take a stand one way or the other.

    Congratulations to Greg Harris for his unwavering support of this bill.

  3. The Masked Avenger would like to buy Greg Harris a drink. A fellow Uptowner shows the rest of the state how to lead in the face of adversity. Now it's time for equally bold leadership in the alderman's seat. Let's hope we get someone competent, qualified, and unwaveringly committed to this ward.
