Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Buena Park "Concert In The Park" A Success

A reader sends in this recap of last week's concert in Buena Park:
"Thursday evening's Buena Park Concert in the Park was a big success with over 200 people in attendance. People came with blankets, chairs and tables laden with food and beverages. The park was thick with kids running around playing on the equipment and getting their faces painted. There were multi-generational families, as well as couples and singles. The age spread was from two little babies not yet born to one couple who had to be close to 90. Everyone enjoyed the music of the Thomas Pace Band. As one observer put it, it "looks like Mayberry RFD." And it did. With all the violence and discord that seems to swirl around this city, Buena Park, on this night, was an oasis of peace and sanity, proving that we are truly a community with common bonds that bring us together as neighbors. We thank Buena Park Neighbors, The Chicago Park District and Kearny & Phelan law firm for making it happen."

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