Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Phelan Aldermanic Campaign Kick-Off Wednesday

Meet Molly Phelan, Candidate for 46th Ward Alderman

Wednesday, July 14th @ 7:30pm at Nick's Uptown, 4015 N Sheridan

Free event, cash bar. Everyone is invited to attend. For
 visit http://www.phelan46.com/


  1. Will Ms Phelan address her ties to Terrence O'Brien? Will District President O'Brien introduce her?

    Ms Phelan went over to the dark side of politics soon after losing Fix Wilson Yard.

    The only real choices for change are the social worker or the cop.

    I am supporting Officer Carroll. We need change. Not machine types pretending to be 'community organizers'. If Michael does not make the run off election I will support James Cappleman. If neither Officer Carroll nor Mr Cappleman make it I will be disgusted.

  2. Quirky,

    let Molly and her supporters have their campaign kickoff. I share your concern about her working for O'Brien, but there will be time to praise and criticize all the candidates later.

    Any of the "Fab Four" of candidates would be an improvement over Shiller. Ultimately, on hyper local issues like crime and business development I wouldn't expect much difference between any of them.

    What I'm truly looking for is someone who will join the handful of alderman who on occasion oppose Daley on big issues.

    Let's call it the macro issues.

    I'm looking for a Waguespack type, but with more charisma.

    Vive La Revolution!

  3. I think Irish Pirate should host a happy hour aldermanic kickoff, if only just to show UU readers how to drink :)

  4. You are never going to agree 100% with any of the candidates all the time.

    Anything is an improvement of the beast.

  5. A, I would agree. Just please keep your standards high and let their actions of the past speak for their words of today.

  6. Rumor has it Helen will be announcing by August 1rst if she is running or not. Inside source near the alder-maniac race says that the magic 8 ball is pointing to "No."

    Then again the 8 ball also said Irish Pirate would sober up for 2010, but please DO NOT hold that against it.

  7. Hmmmm... Did anyone else notice that Miss Phelan was late t the game and unoriginal ? FAIL WHALE!

    I'm voting for Officer Carroll too, Captain Quirk.

  8. I am not trying to start a war, but I never understood why people would elect legislators that are not lawyers. Legislators pass laws. You also have to know the enemy in order to destroy them. You should read the crap ordinances these alderman pass, they have no idea what they are doing. Passing one law always affects another one, making the code one big mess.

    I think Molly is the best candidate, though I also like James. (No offense James.) Carroll seems okay also.

    My name is Jason Roberts, so if you are going to bash me, please use my name, thanks!!

  9. Legislators pass laws.


    I'd wager if you asked a 100 people in the 46th to fill in the blank for:

    "Legislators pass ______"

    You'd get more responses of "gas" than you would "laws".

    Most people have no flippin' idea what aldermen do - yet, they vote with a passion nonetheless.

  10. Jason, isn't Richie Daley an attorney? Didn't a bunch of attorneys handle the parking meter scam?

    Vote for Molly if you wish, but come up with something better than that.

  11. ha! disagree jason. and this is coming from a lawyer! plus, let's keep in mind that there's a LOT of bad lawyers out there.

  12. Ms Phelan's website is http://www.phelan46.com/

    Ms Phelan's people should consider buying
    before I do.

    While her being an attorney is irrelevant to me the area of law in which she practices is not. Ms Phelan is a real estate tax attorney.

    Two out of three of the biggest machine hacks in local politics are tax attorneys. Michael Madigan and Edward Burke. The third hack-Mayor Richard M Daley- has a brother and nephews who have become very wealthy practicing real estate related law.

    Vote for Failin for the same old thing.

    Coca Cola had an ad campaign in the Nineteen Seventies that I contributed to. The real thing campaign.

    Coke: It's the Real Thing.

    Carroll: He's the Real Thing.

    Phelan is more like 7UP:

    Never had it. Never will.

    She fought the machine on Fix Wilson Yard. She lost. She immediately ran to the Terrence O'Brien campaign.

    For years Helen Shiller was the only voice of opposition to Mayor Daley. While I never liked her I admired that.

    I do not want an Alderman who is going to surrender and start cutting deals even before he or she gets elected.


    Never had it. Never will.

    Carroll in 2011!!!!!

  13. The idea that elected officials need to be attorneys is absurd.

    Legislative bodies need people with a variety of experiences.

    Cops, social workers, business owners, teachers tradesmen etc. Even attorneys.

  14. HEY HEY WAIT!!! Meg is right. (Meg was once fighting over me with Uptown Girl, whoa weird flashback. ;-) )

    I am also a lawyer. I am not saying you should only vote for somebody because they are a lawyer. I just think a legal background is something that is an asset.

    As far as Mayor Daley is concerned, I like Mayor Daley. Don't believe everything you read in the papers or on blogs.

    I also do not think the parking meter thing was a scam, though I agree that it was poorly executed leaving the mayor open for people to give him political shots.

    Fairly knew, I probably know you from somewhere, but I am not sure what you mean.

  15. Yo,

    Sorry for the multiple posts, but I am not sure if you agree with me or not!! ;-)

  16. jason,

    I was with ya' until you said that you liked Daley.


    Though, yes - aldermen should have a basic conceptual legal awareness to them.

    To Captain Quirk ... um ... hm.

    There's something nefariously familiar and oddly disingenuous about your tone.

    *sniff*sniff* ...

  17. Sigh,

    Captain Quirk has no legitimacy. You aren't helping promote your candidate with that diatribe. If you are a reflection of your candidate, he is sad. "Failin46"?? Grow up. I think I'll give Mr. Carroll a call tomorrow.

  18. Quirkaramadingdong,

    your FAILIN=PHELAN line is lame.

    That being said you redeemed yourself with the "Never Had It, Never Will" line.

    If the race stays as the Fab Four I expect that if Nowotny makes the runoff the two candidates not in the runoff will NOT support him.

    If any of them do then they deserve the word "hack" associated with their names for eternity.

    Let it be written. Let it be done!

  19. And just as a jab... there a plenty of crooked cops out there, believe me.

  20. First of all, let me make this statement for the record... "Not all lawyers are scum." (exceptus legit fit)

    That said, lawyer/legistlators first priority is to serve their own. I'm not sayin', I'm just saying.

  21. Bradley,

    The number one things lawyers have to do is serve their client. If they have the proper attitude, then they are fit for office. I think I am that type of attorney. Believe me it is frustrating and difficult to maintain that attitude. I also think Molly is. However, since I am not running and would not want such a CRAZY job (I am already in public service, and I hear enough BS), I gotta go with Molly.

    I also think hell is freezing over because I think Yo and IP agree with me.

    (I also thought what the Helen was lame IP. ;-) )

    Again no offense to James. I hope you still say hello to me!! You are an asset to the ward.

  22. I think we all need to listen to this and bask in the magnificence of artistic genius.

    Yo, I'm getting a similar whiff to you I think. Posts all over the internet. Dozens of different identities. Obsessive. This one is good. He's getting sneakier. Perhaps he's taking half his meds.

    Jason, I'm sure Mikey Carroll would love to spend some quality time talking to you. As a cop he probably has lotsa experience in dealing with the mentally ill and/ or narcissistic.

  23. Jason - The number one things lawyers have to do is serve their client.

    I know you are in public service. BUT - the number one thing that any person in a private company has to do is serve their client. Else, the will be out of business. I think we have enough lawyers in politics. Just because someone can draft legislation doesn't mean that its effective or good legislation. Look at congress I think most of them are lawyers. I say bring in someone who has owned and operated a business. But that will never happen.

  24. IP,

    There's a difference between being persistent and being good.

    This one is persistent.

  25. Neil,

    I have been in business.

    just letting you know.

  26. You're absolutely right Jason. Moreover, the legislator/lawyer's "clients" are themselves and their fellow lawyers. They ensure there's an abundundant supply of clients to wit Madigan, Cullerton, Burk, Vrydoliak to name a few. ( I never claimed to be a spelling wiz.)

  27. Almost 200 of the representatives in the lowest rated Congress in History were lawyers one time.

    We HAD a system of Checks and Balances but lawyers have taken over every branch of Government.

    Lawyers make up 30-40% of our Legislative branch, 100% of our Judicial branch and 100% of our Executive Branch.

    How well is that Government working for us right now?

    We need more Lawyers like Uptown needs methadone clinics.

  28. The reason we have bad government is most of those people stopped being lawyers and became politicians!!!

  29. So what you're saying is that the bad thing about having a lawyer run for office is that they are more likely to turn into politicians?

  30. There are a lot of reasons for bad government.

    The main being that citizens overlook, or are unaware of, the fact that they have a role to play in democracy, too.

  31. "So what you're saying is that the bad thing about having a lawyer run for office is that they are more likely to turn into politicians?"

    If that was what I was saying I would have said that.

  32. Jason, one good thing out of this is that you're not running.

  33. You must be afraid that I would win then!! LOL.
