Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Only In Uptown...

A reader sends in the following photo and info from Broadway & Leland:
"After living in Uptown for almost 3 years, all I can do is laugh.
This evening I received a phone call shortly after 8pm from one of the unit owners in the building that I live in stating that someone was tearing the plants up out of our flower beds. When I walked outside the person that was the perpetrator was half way down the street turning around profusely yelling at us. I recognized him, as most of us know him in our neighborhood. He is the African/American male, in his late 50's that stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 170lbs and always has his chin to his chest walking around."


  1. Why not call the police? Obviously there are witnesses. Last I checked Destruction of Property or Vandalism was a crime. Regardless of it being in Uptown or not.

  2. wtf? i think he lives in the heartland homes.

  3. This is the same person our neighbor spotted pulling out a plant in front of our building. Turns out, he was actually doing us a favor and yanking out a tall, persistant weed. By the looks of this picture, however, that was not the case.

  4. ANyone know the address where this occured?

  5. Where was this picture taken - the street address?

  6. His name is Cedric. I don't know what he suffers from but he's harmless. If you see him doing things like this again you can address him by his name and tell him to stop. He doesn't speak very well but he listens.

  7. It's just before the train tracks headed west towards Broadway on Leland.

  8. Here is the contact info for the home where the man matching your description.

    Cornerstone Community
    4656 North Malden Street, Chicago, IL‎ - (773) 561-0053‎

  9. He's destroyed many years worth of plants outside of my clinic on Sheridan Road.

  10. Oh, I think that's "Creek Kneck" (as I affectionally call him). I've chased him out of the alley we used to live off of (yeah baby, I'm out of the hood now!!!) for smoking crack. I believe he lives in the building on the SW corner of Racine and Leland.

  11. The building is right on the North West corner of Leland and Winthrop. The building in question has 6 address. 1104 W Leland Ave is where the police report was filed.

  12. First of all, I agree that Vandalism is wrong, however the fact that no one actually saw this man do this, as well as the further allegations such as seeing this man "smoke crack" in the alley only begins a cycle of accusations that have serious consequences to this man, all of which have no substantial evidence.

    I personally know Cederic and know he is a good person. Despite whether or not someone saw him actually do this, does not give people like "Jason" liberty to make jabs about his disability, nor is it right to post his personal address up on uptown update.

  13. Erin: First, to let you know there are more then one Jason's that post on here. Second, as the Association President to the building in which this incident occurred, I would like to remind you that we DO have three eye witnesses that saw him do this. As a matter of fact he was wandering around Uptown today in the same clothes as last night when this incident occurred. I personally do not take "jabs" at anyone unless there is plain and clear evidence of what happened, and in this case, it is prime example of an open and closed case. I am sure that if he were to cause in excess of $500 in vandalism to your property you would feel inclined to file a police report and pursue further action. And if I wish to post the address to my building, when a number of people are asking on here the address, I do not feel that there is a problem, especially when anyone in our neighborhood could walk right by the intersection in question, or if your technically knowledgeable, you could use Google maps Street View to obtain the same information.

  14. The poor guys sounds mentally challenged. Maybe the voices in head told him to either rip up those plants, or die! For the record, I am in no way trying to trivialize what happened. Destruction of property is no laughing matter. I’m just offering an explanation for what appears to be inexplicable behavior.

  15. Honestly, I don't know all the facts but it sounds like the offender here is mentally disabled.

    While the condo association can go the legal route and press charges, etc. etc., I would think it won't go very far.

    I think it's great that the posters on this board seem to be able to acknowledge the difference between thugs/vandals and a guy with mental disability. The fact of the matter is I have ZERO PATIENCE for the Thugs and, well, the mentally disabled are a much more complex issue for Uptown. There simply is too high a concentration of this special-needs population to manage effectively, and the SERIOUS detriment to the community.

  16. Can we get this guy to do some weeding in the front yard at 4742 N. Magnolia? Neighbors have seen rats running through the waist-high weeds there.

  17. Breanna,

    excellent idea.

    Send him over to the Catholic Workers Abode after he's done on Magnolia.

  18. This guy was in the alley between 4600 Racine and Magnolia yesterday pulling actual weeds from a grassy area by a fence. Must just be his "thing."
