Thursday, July 8, 2010

Come On And Take A Free Ride!

A reader sends in this disturbing bit of info:
"I called the CTA today (for the 2nd time) to let them know that there are people who do not pay a fare at the Wilson stop. Last time I saw the attendant just letting people go through. Today there was no attendant! For a second I was actually worried when I saw a man on the ground by one of the turnstiles- until I realized he was just getting up from crawling underneath! No wonder the fare keeps going up. Half of Uptown rides for free.
Please let the readers know that they should continue to call the CTA until this problem gets resolved."


  1. For heaven's sake, UU, not everyone is as old and saggy as you and I. Younger pups may need some perspective.

    Free Ride.

  2. Last month the Police made 12 arrests for theft of service from CTA at this station.

  3. I am sure that many of us have seen the people who piggyback on one fare paying friend at the turnstiles at the auxiliary entrance on Wilson. One time, a woman pushed her way into the turnstile with me to get a free ride.

  4. Yes it sucks that people are jumping the turnstiles, crawling under them or walking through the open gates to get free rides, but how many millions of dollars a year has the CTA lost since our former governor demanded that the CTA allow senior citizens to ride for free in order for the state to give the CTA funding.

  5. Here is a short preview from a WIPT Public TV Documentary about the coming election.

    Like the Wilson's an abomination!

  6. I am often asked point blank by someone if they can follow my through the turnstile at the alternate entrance to the Wilson El. I politely decline.

  7. Hopeless - I believe Quinn is working to repeal that asinine decision.

  8. I find it hard to believe this is happening at the 'crustiest L stop in Chicago'
    Shock of shocks.

    I always politely direct those in need of free CTA service to the nearby Ward office for assistance.

  9. If the CTA can waste millions of dollars on a subway to nowhere - the riders should be able to get a free ride once in a while. :-)

  10. The wilson entrance is constantly giving free rides. If you go into the turnstile as far as it goes and then someone pays behind you it will let both people through for the price of 1. I constantly get asked to do this for people. At first I thought they wanted me to swipe them a free ride, but they have figured it out free of charge.......

    Maybe I shouldn't have made that secret public, but CTA should be encouraged to fix this.

  11. Timothy Fitz,

    What subway to nowhere are you referring to? I know of no tunnels that dead end, ie. "go nowhere"

  12. If you are "constantly being asked", maybe you should walk a few more steps and use the other entrance on Broadway instead.

  13. "If you are "constantly being asked", maybe you should walk a few more steps and use the other entrance on Broadway instead"

    1. I am not saying it is an issue to me or that it bothers me, just stating facts.
    2. I prefer keeping urine off my dress shoes.
    3. Odds of getting shanked go up tenfold.

  14. Part of the $3 million of TIF money that is going toward Wilson Station repairs that are happening right now will be used to move the turnstiles from the upper level down to the main floor. This new configuration will fix many of the problems that occur at the existing station.

    Someday, the new station will be built on the South Side of the street.

  15. I e-mailed this story to CTA and received an e-mail back saying it would be forwarded to Security. I received another e-mail, this time from Security and they asked me to call. I did and they said they would look into it.
