Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Does Not Apply Here

Looks like the pigeons under the L tracks on Wilson are being well-fed...just steps from Ald. Shiller's office.

Anyone remember this?


  1. Shiller's platform:

    Pigeon poop - unhealthy and dangerous; must be controlled.

    Drugs and drug dealing - not a problem; just ignore it.

  2. Whoooooa...wait...whooooa...whoooa...wait..whoa......Helen has a platform?

    Let's ask UptownGirl what Helen's platform is. She works for her. UptownGirl where aaaaaaare youuuuuu? Come out come out wherever you are! I have a few questions...

    What is Helen's official position on the shootings recently?
    Is Helen running for office again?
    Will this Target carry fresh produce?
    How do I get the 12:00 to stop blinking on my VCR?
    Why do I still have a VCR?


  3. Chip,
    UptownGirl has been busy lately deleting every comment she ever made on UU (at the request of Helen's office?) and making "Uptown Update Is Stupid" t-shirts.

  4. Uptown Updater-

    I am not deleting anything. My educated guess is that when you delete your account it deletes all of your comments.

    No more "Stupid" shirts. That was just a juvenile phase.

    Miss you Chip.

  5. Chip: I saw a Target sign at Clark and Addison that had a picture of a burger with tomatos, onions, and maybe some other veggies on a burger and the bottom of the ad mentioned the new Wilson Yard Target opening soon.

  6. Of all the issues for Helen to champion....pigeons??? really???

  7. Hey Chip, when you figure out how to get the 12:00 to stop blinking on your VCR, lemme know too.

  8. Awww Mindy..I must say, every time I see you out you are always nice to me, and always smiling. I just don't have a lot of respect for your employer. Well technically the nice tax payers of Uptown are your employer, as well as Helen's. She just seemed to forget it along the way.

    Quote of the day...
    "and maybe some other veggies on a burger"

    What kind of sick freak is putting "some other" kind of veggies on a burger? That's just UNAmerican! I want to know who is running this little "Target" operation!

  9. Someone actually made 'Uptown Update Is Stupid'
    T-shirts? Seriously? I wonder if they were made on
    'company' time.

    I can think of SO many T-shirt slogans that would better express the reckless ineptitude in this ward.

  10. This thread jumped the shark.

  11. I like pigeons, they are harmless and one of the few life forms left in a city enviornment.

    Leave em alone.

    Geez some people want a sterile world only for humans.

    Were lucky we have squirrels and birds left.

  12. Stark mad,

    Get a grip, and lay off of uptown girl. "UU is stupid" is a perfectly legit expression of free speech. (If it is true, that is....)Though I am an avid follower of UU, sometimes it can be what I call "SUN-TIMES Stupid". I also listen to NPR all of the time and sometimes think they are completely dumb. (Actually, it might be fun to make an NPR is stupid shirt). If you are that SHOCKED that someone made a t-shirt that said UU is stupid, then you need to get out more. (Actually, it is probably good for UU, because the negative attitude makes UU relevant.)

    And as far as company time is concerned, if you have never ever checked personal email at work or surfed the web or made a copy, OR CHECKED UU, then you can throw stones I ams sure that uptowngirl has better things to do than make t-shirts at work.

    Just sayin'.

    Long live the Fox News of Uptown!!!

  13. Jason, your 'case for the defense' seems a bit rambled.

    I guess my point is I find it hard to believe someone would go to that much trouble to make T-shirts.

    Now your 'can I have some crack on my sausage' comment in the 'Pizza Drug Post' that's a T-shirt.

    Just sayin' !!
