Sunday, May 9, 2010

LEN: "Not A Functional Gun In The Lot”

There were a lot of guns turned in yesterday at Chicago's gun buyback.  But if you're an Uptown resident, you shouldn't necessarily feel any safer.  Read Lake Effect News's story here.


  1. Hopefully this rifle was among those turned in.

  2. Then again, aren't most functional guns worth a lot more than $100?

  3. The criminals must laugh at this. Must be a high demand for replica guns to get those much more valuable gift cards.

    I have come to the conclusion that until criminals have reason to fear for their own lives, crime will continue least until it gets cold again.

    The propaganda surrounding this event was pretty pitiful. "A gun in the home is more likely to be used in a homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting than in self-defense."

    I'd like to know the facts that this statement is based on. It is my belief that a gun in the possession of a responsible owner is more likely to be used for target practice or hunting than to be used on another person.

    Regardless of the validity of the statement, the issue here is that the politicians will strut around with the number of guns collected when the reality is that all the guns collected are likely garbage.

  4. Andy...the PR comment doesn't negate your hypothesis. Both could be true.

  5. "I'd like to know the facts that this statement is based on."

    It's not a fact. It's Joyce Foundation sponsored propaganda. The Mayor has been using them since he was elected to peddle nonsense.

    He doesn't want law abiding citizens to possess firearms in their homes. Only elected officials and cops can have them.

  6. Only elected officials and cops can have them.

    Or criminals.

    No. Wait. You said "elected officials".

    My bad.
