Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dumpster Free-For-All On Clifton

This looks like a job for the Dumpster Taskforce, our alderman, and our 46th Ward Streets and San Superintendent.
The Jesus People’s Sylvia Center drop-in shelter is at it once again. Police asked them to obey city ordinances and keep their 40-yard dumpster on their own property, but it’s been stored on Clifton Street over the past few weeks. Not only is this unsightly, it provides a convenient drinking, getting-high, and bathroom spot for those who abuse that stretch of Clifton.


  1. Call the number on the Flood Brothers sticker. Advise them that the City has been contacted and tell them to remove it from the street.

  2. I just called the Flood Bros number, as you recommended. No one picks up. "The mobile customer you have called does not answer. Call later." Click.

    They don't even have a mailbox setup on their phone. Well we tried to warn them.

    So, I called the Dumpster task force again.

  3. Shouldn't Don Nowatny be handling this? I thought he knew every nook and cranny of the ward?

  4. Not that this is pick-on-Don Day, but yes Don Nowatny is our alderman- picked 46th Ward Street and Sanitation Department Superintendent. And, it is in his job description to be proactive and write up dumpster violations and enforce the dumpster ordinance. He has that responsibility along spotting, resolving and citing violations for other problems (think street vendors) on the city sidewalks and streets. He has his very own citation book to write administrative violation tickets for these problems.
