Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Urine (You're In) Uptown

Ever wonder why the 4600 block of Clifton always smells so fragrant? Meet one of the reasons.  BTW, we're curious about the status of the survey of Clifton Avenue to see what agency those who hang out there are affiliated with, or what attracts them to this street.  (We know it's not the lovely private toilets.)


  1. I roll up my windows as I pass by or my suv gets the smell that would gag a rat. I am told by some reliable sources that Mr. drug dealer attracts all the low-life thugs that hang out there. I wish something could be done to this unsafe and unhealthy street as it reals poses a real negative to all thoses who smell and lay eyes upon it........

  2. Based upon the river of urine pictured in that video, this guy should be sentenced to community service watering trees in the parkways.

  3. After the CAPS walk down Clifton, I decided that I shall never traverse it again. The urine was the least of the problems. It was the hullabaloo gathered near Wilson & Clifton. That being said... homeslice in this video has some talent. I mean... check out that nice wave pattern he has going on.

  4. If I remember correctly, this is just around the corner from the Wilson Men's Hotel and is known as "blood alley".

  5. I believe the recording studio is the only business on that street. The sign is better than the old painted TV/VCR Computer repair crap. Regardless the shelters (community centers) should take the initiative and get their "clients" into real bathrooms which I'm guessing they have inside.
