Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"A Toothless Fox To Guard Their Own Henhouse"

The Tribune's editorial says it all about the name-your-own-inspector ordinance that comes before the City Council today:

If you've wondered how to evaluate City Council members who'll stand for re-election early next year, be grateful. You'll learn more about your alderman's sense of ethics from this one vote than from any other single position he or she has taken.

Thanks, aldermen. Citizens will have an easy time seeing who's committed to openness and honesty versus who wants to stick with the current aldermanic protection program.

{...} We'll be fascinated to see which aldermen vote to pass such a self-serving ordinance.

And so will we.  Alds. Shiller, Schulter and Smith, our eyes are on you.  Will you vote for transparency or to cover your deeds from prying eyes?

1 comment:

  1. "Defer & publish"

    citizens got a breather on this proposal, outrageous even by Chicago aldermen standards
