Read all about it at Lake Effect News.
Update: More from LEN about charges being filed against the subjects. "Dontaneous Salley, 22, of the 4400 block of N. Racine and Jeremiah Moore, 20, of the 800 block of W. Sunnyside Ave, were each charged with one count of aggravated battery with a firearm early Saturday morning." That can't be possible -- didn't Ald. Shiller say that the "youths" causing trouble in this ward all live elsewhere?
Those rascals! Would this too be called "fist-a-cuffs," Helen?
ReplyDeleteMother holding baby shot. Now we wait for the alderman to express outrage, and ask the community to come together and clean up the streets. Now we wait. We wait. Wait...still waiting.
ReplyDeleteLess than a year to go until we hear a response from our alderman.
ReplyDeleteHurlyBurly, are you talking about this election event sham:
ReplyDeleteSoft On Crime, Until Election Time
My favorite is the "quarterly" ward newsletter. Is once every four years considered "quarterly?"
AM 780 News Radio reporting 2 persons have been charged. Agg. Battery with a Firearm and Agg. discharge of a Firearm. This can result in prison time depending on the criminal history of our little darlings.
ReplyDeleteOne of these guys deserves to be imprisoned just because of his haircut.
I'm not going to hyperlink it.
That would be almost as offensive as his haircut.
How about Attempt Murder charges for these animals? With a quick plea bargain and 50% time, these wastes of life will be home by Christmas.
ReplyDeleteOffer some media/camera time and I'm sure Jesse Jackson will show up and rant about how the blame should not be placed on these underserved gentlemen, but on the gun maufacturers.
Chicag really sucks.
So I know I'll probably get attacked for saying this, but what are we doing to PREVENT these things from happening? These guys aren't born this way. They join gangs because they want a sense of family, they don't believe they can succeed at anything else, or because they see older friends and family members they want to emulate.
ReplyDeleteI understand that there needs to be measures taken once they've already become criminals but is anyone doing anything to prevent them from becoming criminals? I hear a lot of people calling them "animals" and certainly their actions would lead you to say that but let's not forget that before they became "animals" in your eyes they were just kids... and a little kid is something worth fighting for, right?
Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that I think we, as a community, could do a lot of good if we did more mentoring of the kids in the area. It just takes one person to believe in you and tell you that you can achieve more than what's expected of you. That you don't have to shoot someone to get respect.
Anyway... that's just my two cents.
Aggravated battery? These charges seem pretty light for a gangland shooting that wounded an innocent victim in broad daylight.
ReplyDeleteDontaneous most likely lives in one of the CHA buildings on the west side of the Racine and Sunnyside. The corner building has a very busy drug dealing business.
ReplyDeleteWould like to see his rap sheet.
Would like to know what is the resident eviction policy for residents who are actively involved with criminal activity?
One word IP....FUGLY!! I would think that Mr. Moore will be spending some time, from what I can recall he has a history of "fist-a-cuffs" in the hood. Hope he enjoys his time and someone straightens him out behind bars!!
ReplyDeleteRaych, there are all sorts of places for kids to go in the neighborhood, many of which are funded with public dollars.
ReplyDelete- Boys & Girls Club
- Uptown Baptist and CAPS have programs
- Alternatives
- CircEsteem
- Inspired Youth
- Girl Scouts (Uptown's had a troop for over 50 years) and Boy Scouts
- Chase Park, Margate Park, Clarendon Park all have many youth programs and activities
- Clarendon Park Advisory Council
I'm sure there are more that I'm missing.
There are so many kids who manage to stay out of gangs and out of trouble that I can't see gangbanging as the default choice. I don't know what makes kids join gangs, but I don't feel responsible that they do.
FWIW, Uptown has the most volunteerin' active community members of anywhere I've ever lived. I don't think it was the intent of your post, to point fingers, but many of us - including myself - do plenty already. Apathy by the community isn't the reason these guys decided to sell drugs, shoot guns and gangbang.
Apparently Dontaneous went missing a few years back.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, he was found and apparently made his way from Peoria to Uptown.
Peoria's gain is our loss.
Again, this individual is not worth a hyperlink.
Also, nice work CPD!! During a very rough week you all continue to protect, serve and take these 2 bad guys off the street!!
ReplyDeleteMr Moore has been arrested 33 times in 20 years!! I am sure mom and dad are proud!!
ReplyDeleteRaych, I just wanted to add that I'm not attacking you, just disagreeing. I appreciate your input and think it's a good reminder that these idiots who fire guns every week in our community were little kids before they were thugs.
ReplyDeleteThe point I'm trying to get across is that there are plenty of options already here if a kid wants to do something other than gangbang.
I don't think anyone has the definitive answer on what makes a kid decide to join a gang, but my gut feeling is that really involved parenting is the first step in stopping it. The community can extend a helping hand, and God knows there are plenty of services and volunteers who do, but if a loving home and involved family aren't there, a community can't save a kid who's looking for acceptance and belonging in a group that sells drugs and protects turf.
ReplyDeleteI think you are new to the neighborhood...the 46th has the highest number of social services organizations and subsidized housing in the city..if not the highest then pretty darn near the top.
Our alderman is not working closely with police to guide social services towards the troubled spots nor is she working with the police on law enforcement + city services that she can ask for from the city. Go to any CAPS meeting, and you will hear what I am talking about. This is why Shiller has to be voted out next election.
Next CAPS meeting for this beat is Tuesday night at Truman College. Will be interesting to hear the police department's take on last Friday's shooting.
ReplyDeleteI remember Jeremiah Moore's face from arrest update notices. Doesn't he also have a twin brother? I would love to see how long his rap sheet is.
ReplyDelete30x, yours is a typical response on this blog. No, I am not new to the neighborhood. How phenomenally offensive to assume that. Funny how anyone who doesn't automatically holler "Down with Schiller!" as a response to problems in the community gets tagged as "new to the neighborhood." While I'm not a fan of Helen, all the Schiller bashing on here is such a broken record. (to which I expect a response of "well, her negligence is a broken record!")
ReplyDeleteTSN, I don't see how we disagree unless you think that there should be less of these organizations in the community. I don't see gangbanging as the default choice, but I think the more kids we can get into these programs the better. Perhaps the problem is getting kids involved in these programs in the first place?
Parents need to get more involved? Totally agree. But what do you do when you have a child whose parents will never be involved because of prison, because of drug problems... do you just throw up your hands and say that the kid is doomed?
I'm glad to hear that you do plenty already! I don't necessarily feel responsibility for how a kid turns out but what I do know is that every kid who gets pushed in the right direction is one less mugger or gun happy gangbanger I have to worry about in the neighborhood :)
First, of all, let's not pick on each other on this website, we need each other to make this neighborhood safer.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I do NOT trust Mr. Moore's aim. Eek.
ReplyDeletePlease relax. Don't take this blog so personally. I don't think 30x was attacking you. Given your first post, I too assumed you were unaware of the plethora of social services in our neighborhood. You should have said something to the effect of " how do we incentivise participation in the myriad positive programs offered in the neigborhood?"
Wel after seeing Jerimiahs mugshot I now fully understand how he missed his intended target and hit an innocent bystander half a block away. He is the most cross eyed creature I have seen in a long time.
ReplyDeleteYou're right this is all our fault. The people who obey the law and pay our taxes. Thanks for opening my eyes.
P.S. - Down with Shiller!
Well after seeing Jerimiahs mugshot I now fully understand how he missed his intended target and hit an innocent bystander half a block away. He is the most cross eyed creature I have seen in a long time.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 27, 2010 8:59 PM
Wait until you see him in his Daniel Boone hat !!!
Bradley, I really don't take it that personally. It's just not the first time I've seen someone accused of being "new" because they held a differing opinion. And I'm certainly not unaware of the "plethora" of organizations it's just strange that the only time they are brought up are when people are complaining that there are too many.
ReplyDeleteI brought up mentoring because no one else had. I just wanted to bring a different viewpoint to the table, but as I expected it was responded to with "we already have lots of those programs", "Are you saying this is our fault!?" (which of course I wasn't) and "you must be new here." As I've seen in the past, it's not easy to have a divergent viewpoint here on Uptown Update.
Pablo... How sad. I make an argument for getting involved in the lives of the children in the community because perhaps that might make a difference in the amount of crime and you think I am blaming you... I would love to respond with an equal amount of sarcasm and reactionary anger but Meg thinks we're getting a little mean in here so I'll be nice ;)
If I see litter, I pick it up and throw it away. There are companies that hire garbage men who are paid to pick up the trash and it's certainly not my responsibility to do it. I didn't create it but I know that if I clean it up it's for the betterment of everyone.
That may not be the best analogy but perhaps this will help you understand what I was trying to say, Pablo.
ReplyDeleteWait until you see him in his Daniel Boone hat !!!
While I would have loved to see him in the Daniel Boone Hat, I think I will settle for an orange jumpsuit for as long as we can get.
Is he always crosseyed, and crazy haired?
I am submitting his mugshot to the Smoking Gun website for their mugshots of the week.
Raych, Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteAnd actually, I believe that CAPS and Uplift have talked with UCC or other Uptown orgs before about mentoring. Chicago Youth Programs used to have a phenomenal mentoring program that I was involved with, but I think they've relocated a lot of their resources to the south side.
Not sure Rach but instead of talking to the kids, it may help to start with the parent(s)! When I see parents dragging kids after they throw trash on the ground and drop a couple f'bombs, I am pretty sure that does not help!
ReplyDeleteRaych, if you want to know more about community building and conflict-resolution, there's people who are trying to impact juvenile crime by using court diversion programs--many of these young people have repeat contact with the courts but don't actually get any kind of real services until it's too late and they're a repeat offender.
ReplyDeleteWith court diversion, that's a way to grab those kids who won't seek out such resources on their own, or whose parents may want to help them, but themselves don't really know how to do it. Here's a resource you might want to check out:
AS for conflict resolution and community building, there's something called peace circles --here's a brief article about it, and google will turn up a lot more info about it:
Hope these help.
Does anyone think its time for the city to replace that camera at Wilson and Broadway with a high resolution 360 degree model ? I would do it without the blue light.
ReplyDeleteThe same goes for Wilson and Sheridan. This would make for much less guess work the next time Daniel Boone goes shooting. In the Grant Park / Downtown areas, cameras are in little black domes.
ReplyDeleteYou did sound new to the community. I don't think anyone meant to offend you.
I have been involved with one of the youth mentoring programs listed by TSN for several years. During that time, I have spent several hours a week working directly with kids in Uptown. They do need a lot of help.
I hope that if you see merit in others volunteering their time and energy to the kids in our community, you too are already doing so yourself.
By the way, although I'm working with the kids, I'm still furious, and have good reason to be. The shootings on our streets, gang brawl mayhem, and open-air drug markets are unacceptable, as is the lack of response by our Alderman. I want her out in 2011.
Mr. Moore and Mr. Salley are not "kids". They are adults.
ReplyDeleteBrennan, that is another good point.
ReplyDeleteTouche Brennan.
ReplyDeleteYes, Brennan, they are young adults at 20 and 22 yrs old--and please don't confuse this comment as making excuses for them. But I do believe some places still have services for people in their early 20s, recognizing they're certainly not adolescents, but coming into that first stage of adulthood. Alternatives does offer some career help for people up to 24, for example. Talk to someone in their early 20s, and it's clear some of them are still straddling that line--point being, people in that age range may still need some direction and are still young enough--maybe--to be responsive to re-direction and intervention.
ReplyDeleteThis comment from the bottom of the most recent Lake Effect News article is pretty interesting so I took the liberty of copying it here:
ReplyDelete"One shooter lived in the 800 block of West Sunnyside. Would that happen to be 840 W Sunnyside, one of the 8 original HUD subsidized buildings, which combined have over 2000 govt subsidized units? It is managed by J&M Property Management.
One shooter lived in the 4000 block of North Racine. Would that happen to be 4431 N Racine, the building that has been in housing court for years for its known gang activity and its faulty porches and the cases for which ONE’s Jamiko Rose took an active role in the defendents behalf? You know, the same place where former basketball coach turned Uplift Charter School Dean, David Taylor, lived when neighbors watched that rookie copper get his ass chewed and his job threatened by Shiller – running out of the house in her bathrobe — for ticketing Taylor’s car for parking each and every night in the middle of the street (not to mention the weed arrest that was dropped for lack of volume)?
Why bring this up? Because these buildings have been problem buildings housing problem felons and gangbangers for 15 years and more. Why do felons with long gang and drug arrest rap sheets continue to live in buildings that get huge federal and city subsidies? Aren’t there lease restrictions that come into play to prevent housing felons? Why isn’t the 23rd police District gang and criminal housing staff more effective in closing these buildings down? Does the fact that Dept of Housing staffers appear in court on behalf of these building owners — to request that the judge not act because Chicago needs to keep all its affordable (as in cheap and dangerous) housing mean that women and children in Uptown need to continue to be gunned down on the streets?
Where is the accountability for the government actors that create these problems?"
Did anyone here the 4 shots fired at around 3:30 AM this morning on Malden and Lawrence? It sounded like it was right outside our window. Woke us up out of a sound sleep. It took about 5 minutes for police to begin responding, but they were swarming the neighborhood for quite some time once they arrived. There seemed to be a large marked and unmarked police presence. I think it was most likely a drive by situation, as I saw no activity on foot on the street.
ReplyDeleteto maldenres - Yes, I heard the shots also and thought they were in our alley - we live on Magnolia just off of Lawrence.....
ReplyDeleteThis story/incident could not be any more POSITIVE for Shiller. It might as well be a campaign ad.
ReplyDeleteIt sends another message to law-abiding citizens ("yuppies") not to buy/rent in Uptown and to respectable businesses to stay away. Which, of course is great for her. She could care less about the poor, underserved groups. All she cares about is herself and votes. These two imbeciles are like unknowing campaign workers for her. Why would she ever speak out against such attrocities? To win your approval? You are basically her enemy.