Friday, September 4, 2009

WAMA Needs Volunteers

From Rob Davis, WAMA President:
WAMA is looking for volunteers to sell bracelets for the "Experience Uptown" Walkfest. We would like to have at least 2 volunteers each day starting tomorrow Saturday, September 5th through Saturday, September 12th. If each volunteer could donate between 2 and 4 hours that would be great. We will give a complimentary bracelet to each volunteer that donates each day. I can be contacted directly at or on my mobile at 773-806-9400.

Rob Davis

PS. Also, this Sunday, September 6th, will be Unique So Chique's last day of business. All product is 60% off and whatever is left on Sunday will be 70% off. We have baby, candles, jewelry, tea, apparel and much more. Makes great Holiday gifts at amazing prices!!


  1. Sorry, but I personally think the charge vs. the values offered is not worth it... let the attacks begin but I really do believe this..

  2. I completely agree with you. I went last time and I really did not see any great values. Everything is way over priced just like jewel that I stopped going to years back. Can anyone name some clothing stores that offer a good selection and a good price in Uptown?

  3. Then SuperHero, I'd suggest you not participate. It's not like a tax you have no choice in paying.

  4. I don't think that's accurate. if you're someone like me who (a) shops at fresh harvest; (b) has a puppy who loves soggy paws; and (c) loves sushi - dib/agami; and (d) loves cafe too and/or golden house breakfasts... then i will totally at least break even with this and support a good cause.

  5. Personally, one evening of Fontana Grill, Crew, and Wilde [sic] Pug would make the $10 well spent.

  6. I'm with Meg...since is 20% for most of my fav places, then all I have to spend is $50 over 4 days to get my money back.

    That's not tough to do when you enjoy food and drinks as much as I do!!! :)

  7. Bradley, I am going to assume, by your snarky remarks, you are one of the business owners...

    .. i think the idea is great, i think the execution could be better...

    .. and reponses like yours does not endear the businesses to us locals... comment was meant to be constructive. Businesses participating should offer better deals.. Yours was just meant to be mean

  8. Uptown Superhero and Barryfishing, you are examples of why businesses have a hard time coming to or staying in the Uptown neighborhood.

    I am reading your comments in're telling me that a $10 bracelet that you can use for 4 straight days in a row at various restaurants and stores, each time saving upwards of 20%-25 each time (that includes alcohol if you drink), at each location, on each day, and you don't think you can at least make your $10 back??? Wow!

    You obviously don't go to any of the restaurants or businesses here in Uptown already or never have wanted to. So have fun at home or in some other neighborhood. Too bad you couldn't find enough things that interest you in our Uptown neighborhood to spend $10 here!

  9. Isn't the point to create an event to make residents take notice of the business that are trying to succeed in Uptown? Honestly, the cost of the bracelet is minimal. If we don't support what we have, why would new businesses locate in Uptown?

  10. Uptown Superhero & barryfishing - You should also take into consideration what this event does for the community as part of the proceeds are used for beautification projects. If you recall, last December there were beautiful holiday ornaments in front of the participating businesses along Wilson. For a few weeks that normally dismal stretch was transformed into something pretty wonderful! That alone should be worth your $10!

  11. I did this last year. It's a great event for the neighborhood and a pleasure to see so many neighbors out and about. The streets had more pedestrians and were livelier than usual. Many of us introduced friends from outside of Uptown to its restaurants and they returned throughout the year. In most places, the owners or managers made a point of coming by and introducing themselves to those of us wearing wristbands, making return visits much more personable.

    All in all, a pretty good value.

  12. In fact SuperHero, I'm not a business owner. I just live in the neighborhood with my partner (neither is he a business owner). Last year we bought two but wimped out on using them because of the weather. This year we'll be buying two more and fully intend to use them.

  13. ...and my comments may have been blunt, but they certainly weren't "mean". I didn't call anyone names; I didn't attack your virility; I didn't invoke any mothers' attributes.

  14. Wow,

    Barry being "negative" about anything
    surprises me.

    He is generally such a shiny, happy person.

    Just like his "avatar" John Gotti.

  15. Mr. SuperHero, if you have ideas I'm sure WAMA would love to hear them. It is a community effort to turn around Uptown into something we can ALL be proud of. Sometimes the value of an event like this is deeper than your shallow assesment and reaches further than you care to consider. Funny you would use the moniker of "Uptown SuperHero" and refuse to aide those businesses in this neighborhood that are working through great stresses to stay alive. And, really, if you have nothing nice to say, please say nothing. There are a lot of folks that worked hard to put this together for OTHER people and not just themselves. That, in my book, is a superhero.

    How's that for snarky?

  16. hey look on the bright side.. midsommarfest is only 9 months away.. go andersonville go..
