Friday, June 19, 2009

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

Some aftermath of last night's storm, on Montrose next to Graceland Cemetery. Thanks to a reader for sending in these dramatic photos.


  1. I'm sure they did! Unless they happened to have yellow tape on 'em.

  2. This rain is all Shiller's fault. Who does she think she is, letting it rain so much? We need to vote her out ASAP.

  3. They cleaned it up pretty quick, I must say. A semi that couldn't turn around had to wait it out. Soon after the picture was taken, I looked out and saw two cherry pickers on the scene. A little bit later it was all over, I'm sure they wanted to beat rush hour.

  4. "I'm sure they wanted to beat rush hour."

    Not to mention all the Cubs buses parking there.
