Friday, June 19, 2009

Guerilla Gardens

A Reader writes...There are so many little corner "urban gardens" springing up all over Uptown. Love them! I took photos of a couple of them, at Kenmore and Foster, and at Malden and Leland. Wouldn't it be great to see them on every corner?


  1. Bring a little beauty and peace to the community and it could be the start of something BIG.

    The neighborhood kids love to plant flowers and veggies. They recentl planted sunflowers in our neighborhood and are itching for them to grow...and now they're doing pole beans.

    Gardens grow flowers and people.

  2. Please also check out "One Seed Chicago". Much like the city's book reading program, One Seed encourages everyone to grow the same plant variety and actually provides the seeds. I am not sure if there are still seeds left for this year, but we are growing the Blue Lake Pole Bean. Please keep this in mind for next year.

  3. i think its great that dude is parked in front of the fire hydrant.
