Saturday, May 9, 2009

Open Air Cricket

All sorts of vehicular mayhem in Uptown this weekend. A reader writes (and another sends in the photos above): "A red SUV jumped the sidewalk and plowed into the new Cricket store at Weiss Plaza ... the SUV is completely inside the store. Fire, ambulance, and police are currently on the scene." We're hearing this happened around 1:45 today. We hope no one in the store or in the minivan/SUV was seriously injured.

And away it goes....

Looks like both Cricket and the Currency Exchange with which it shares the south wall will have some cleaning up to do.

Update: NBC5 covers the story and says the 24-year-old driver hit the gas instead of the brakes. No one was hurt.


  1. It's actually a minivan and not an SUV (I'm the reader who sent in the photo).

    I didn't get there immediately after it happened, but it didn't appear as if anyone was injured. A Cricket employee was also joking with the cops at one point, which seems to argue against someone having been seriously hurt.

    I asked the cops what happened, and they didn't seem to know exactly - a sergeant said "it's like a Penn and Teller trick" - one minute, nothing, the next, it's a drive-through.

  2. What the f is going on in this neighborhood?! It seems like it has reverted to how it was a decade ago.

  3. "What the f is going on in this neighborhood?! It seems like it has reverted to how it was a decade ago."

    You know what would solve all of Uptown's crime and disorder? A couple more big high rises of government subsidized housing. Oh, wait, that's what Wilson Yard is. I guess Helen Shiller was right all along.

  4. I don't know how much stock to put in this, but a neighborhood kid with his crew out front just told me that the driver said earlier "they gave me a high-ass bill!"

  5. C'mon UU, at least the Cricket sign ain't crickety no more...

  6. That must be the welcome wagon. Did they bring cake?

  7. At least it appears that WACKY WILD INFLATABLE TUBE FLAILING ARM MAN escaped unscathed. Phew.

  8. Notice how it has temp plates? It seems that Uptown has the most temp plates of anywhere I've ever been. By the way wouldn't this be a better trick if it happened at an office on Broadway just south of Wilson.

  9. this is the second “run-in” this week around that area… first came the gunnison/sheridan apartments fence now this… must be some magnetic force… sad… I hope the businesses will clean up and repair the damage soon.

  10. Unbelievable. Maybe the driver was on drugs? The curb looks pretty substantial in that picture. Anyone know if the police detained the driver or if s/he left the scene?

    With all of that damage, its amazing no one got hurt. Thank goodness.

  11. Probably a driver with no ID`s, drivers license. no insurance as is the case most of the time and drunk or high on drugs that was just bought on the corner.......
