Sunday, May 10, 2009

Let It Shine!

Make no small plans. They have no magic to stir the soul.

Chicago’s Unofficial Motto, adapted from a quote from
Daniel Hudson Burnham,
an Urban Planner who
published “The Plan of Chicago” in 1909
and whose
final resting place is Uptown’s Graceland Cemetery.

"Window to the Future” is another exhibit of History TV - an online history museum of the Uptown Chicago neighborhood. Check it out!

Hold on to what you’ve been given lately, Uptown, because it’s a window to the future.

You’ve been given a key ingredient to building a lasting peace among a diversity of people from all different nations, races, creeds, and cultures. It’s all about friendship. Let it shine!

The Uptown Spirit, a Window to the Future

· The Pioneering Spirit
· The Industrious Spirit
· The Achieving Spirit
· The Spirit of Liberty
· The Spirit of Creativity
· The Spirit of Expression
· The Competitive Spirit
· The Spirit of Awareness
· The Spirit of Showmanship

Uptown Chicago…The Most Chicago Place On Earth!

"A Chicago man knows that he has a mission to accomplish in this world.”
Pierre de Coubertine (Founder of the modern Olympic Games)

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