Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tune In To CityCouncilTV

A reader writes:

The City Clerk's office has been leading the pack for true government transparency. City Council meetings have been broadcast with live streaming video on the City Clerk's website ( Tune in today to watch the aldermen vote on the TIF Transparency Ordinance at 10am.

The City Clerk's office recently launched this new & improved website. You can now find:

- Every Ordinance passed by City Council since 1981
- Every City Budget back to 1981
- A new search engine using key word and phrase searches
- Referred Matters packettes that include every single document introduced at City Council meetings
- Postings of Committee meeting notices, agendas and summaries

This is a huge step for true government transparency. Kudos to City Clerk Miguel Del Valle for taking this action and providing citizens with this information! Hey, better yet, send him an email to say thanks (


  1. anyone hear any results on this yet?

  2. I've got the live video feed running right now. It's nice because it has side-by-side transcription, so you don't actually need to watch/listen the whole time.

    I'd estimate that the past 30 minutes have been spent recognizing Whitney Young's basketball team.

  3. Just finished voting. 48 Ayes, 0 nays.

