Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ladies That Lunch

Thanks to a reader for forwarding on the following:
"Business Partners, The Chamber for Uptown Member Luncheon with Special Guest Speaker 46th Ward Alderman Helen Shiller
Wednesday, February 4, 2009,
Noon-1:30pm Inspiration Corporation,
4554 North Broadway, Suite 207
$25, Includes lunch and soft drinks
RSVP No Later Than 1/28/09 or call (773) 878-1184"


  1. Is it only for ladies?

  2. Sykurmolarnir,

    Not just for ladies...just trying to be clever with the title. Sorry for any confusion.

  3. What a waste of $25 and an appetite.

  4. Maybe the food will be throwable.

  5. Is it only for ladies?

    This is the 21st century. Politics is up to speed here. Bust out the dress and practice your transgender lines.


  6. Miss Otis regrets
    She'll be unable to lunch that day.

  7. Let's all go and have a special wink, or wear a certain color so we know who is who.

  8. Awesome! That's about 2 and a half weeks after the parking meters go up and we lose the ability to park at them for free overnight and on weekends.
    Pardon my negligence in knowing these types of proprieties, but are torches and pitchforks acceptable accessories for a luncheon?

  9. Will she really show up? I mean, isn't this an event for people who pay taxes? Oh, I know, it's a shakedown. She's going to "ask" for donations for her campaign.

  10. She will be there. Past events have shown she shows up late but partakes of the food. As a tribute to the down trodden the beast eats with her hands, doesn't use a napkin but prefers to lick her fingurs. If you look, only if you want, you will often find bits of food in her hair.


    1. Attend! I am going to buy a ticket and have a word with my Alderman... if they do not sell me a ticket, I will share the information with UU

    2. PROTEST... Remember when over 100 of us showed up at her office only to be greeted with a baseball bat? Perhaps if we show up, with recording devices... we can finally get some press and make ourselves heard!

  12. Maybe I'm a bit out of the loop, but what is the purpose of this lunch? I can only guess, that Helen would chose to attend if it were some sort of donor-fest?

    Who goes to this type of event?

    I can't see her going, unless she's got people in place to sing her praises.

  13. Is Business Partners still mostly social service organizations or are there some for profit businesses that are members now?

    WAMA seems to be far ahead in doing things to help local for profit businesses, especially small mom & pops.

    WAMA collected donations for holiday decorations when the SSA Business Partners sponsors decided not to celebrate the holidays.

    WAMA has also hosted two very successful annual "Experience Uptown" events.

    UPCORP promised major changes when they changed their name to Business Partners. (still not a "Chamber of Commerce," but that might be hoping too much here in anti-commerce Uptown)

    Seems like a lot of the same old BS to me.

    It's no better than when Solomon Chu was in charge, claiming that Truman College kids couldn't afford "those expensive sandwiches that Potbelly sells" so he discouraged them from building a store across the street.

    Boy...does it show at all that I have an axe to grind about the lack of local business leadership?

  14. Starck Mad: "I can't see her going, unless she's got people in place to sing her praises."

    Uptown Business Partners board members are staunch Helen supporters....Tattoo Factory, Sue Ellen will be a friendly soiree luncheon...

  15. "Is Business Partners still mostly social service organizations or are there some for profit businesses that are members now?"

    BP is not a social service organization

    BP is a delegate agency of the City's Dept. of Planning and Development

    BP is not primarily membership-funded, BP is primarily funded from property taxes

    this lunch is a City-funded contractor charging admission to an event in honor of a City elected official

  16. Local business leaders should show up and demand to know what alderman Shiller is doing about the huge uptick in local business robberies, smash-ins, gang shootings and other violent crime that is plaguing our neighborhood and hurting local businesses.

    BP SHOULD have that as their main agenda item with her...

  17. "BP is a delegate agency of the City's Dept. of Planning and Development"

    So a delegate city agency hired the SSA that nixed Christmas???!!!

    So a delagate city agency is the one that organizes our businesses like a Chamber of Commerce would in other neighborhoods???!!

    No wonder WAMA is running circles around Business Partners when it comes to helping and coordinating events for businesses. There is no accountability to the businesses themselves for Business Partners, only to the Alderman.

    Hugh, thanks for clarifying this, but boy what a %@&$#'in way to start my day. Where's my coffee??!!!

  18. "So a delegate city agency hired the SSA ... "

    more like the other way around

    DPD & the Uptown United raised property taxes in greater Uptown and formed the Special Service Area Commission

    then Uptown United formed BP and had the commission designate BP to spend the property taxes

  19. there's something very sad when the only access to a public official has an entry fee

    there's something twisted when the only group that will host an elected official is a taxpayer-funded agency

    BP is astroturf - fake grassroots support

  20. seriously, 100 people went to her office and were greeted with a baseball bat?

  21. Yes. George "Batters" Atkins listened to 100+46th Ward residents with concerns about crime with his most trusted adviser - Louis Ville Slugger.

    Atkins is a paid staffer for the 46th Ward office.

  22. I don't think there's an entry fee to stand in front of 4554 N Broadway and wait for our illustrious Council voice to appear.

  23. I don't think there's an entry fee to stand in front of 4554 N Broadway and wait for our illustrious Council voice to appear.

    72 hours of waiting is an entry fee. Trust me.

  24. She barely shows her face at her office for over $100,000 a year, will she really crawl out for twenty-five bucks a head? Even less chance with protesters.

    There really, though, should be a contingent out front with placards and signs voicing concern over crime and indifference.

  25. UptownUpdater - I think you were actually thinking of "Ladies WHO Lunch," from the soundtrack of the classic Broadway musical "Company."

  26. So much for the love fest. The Business Partners web site missspelled Ald. Shiller's name:

    Business Partners
