Sunday, August 10, 2008

Lawrence And Broadway In The 50s

The only info we have on this photo that was sent to us, is that it was in the mid 1950's and at the corner of Lawrence and Broadway. Enjoy.


  1. What a cool photo, love the old school bus!

  2. I remember riding those "old school buses" in the 1960s/early 70s when they were CTA state-of-the art. They were powered by electricity, and hooked to overhead cables by two lines reaching from the back of the bus to overhead wires. (You can see them in the photo.) Very often one cable would lose contact with the wires, the bus would stop, and everyone would watch the driver get out and reattach the cable, sometimes with great shows of sparks.

    Sounds quaint, but it was a drag if you were trying to get somewhere on time. When I moved back to Chicago in the 1980s, one of the biggest surprises was seeing CTA buses on Lake Shore Drive. Couldn't go there before because they were limited by where the cables ran.

  3. As a kid, we used to visit my grandma in the city and I would always stare in wonderment at those steel arms coming off the backs of the bus and wonder how the heck they ever stayed attached to the cables. I always hoped I could see the bus jump the cable. It seemed to happen pretty regularly. It was pretty cool.

  4. It has to be after 1957. Look at the Scotch logo on the billboard. That uses Helvetica, a font invented in 1957.

    Neat pic!

  5. Great photo of an old CTA commuter bus! The air conditioning was from open windows. No doubt it didn't create the air pollution we get now, and it had to be a much quieter, albeit warmer in the summer, ride.

  6. I remember those electrified buses. I think the last ones went out of service around 19 hundred and 70.

    They were amusing to watch.

  7. Apparently those electric buses were called "Trolley Buses" and were last used in 19 hundred and 73.

    Nixon was in the midst of Watergate. Barry O'Bama was a kid in Hawaii. Helen Shiller was relatively new to Uptown and trying to preserve the squalor. Well at least some things never change.

  8. electric transportation is still used in San Francisco.

  9. nice!
    I think this is a good time to say 'thanks' to
    uptownUpdate, and the wonderful work, and or
    inspiration that you inspire!


  10. Weren't the also known as "Green Hornets?" One of them was involved in a horrific crash/fire on the South Side in the 1950's.
