Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Gang Tags On The Sunnyside Mall

A reader sent in this photo of gang tags on a building at Sunnyside and Magnolia (4454 N Magnolia) and asks: "Is this is something I should call 311 about it, or is it something the building manager needs to take care of? Further proof of the gang problem on the mall and I'm sure the residents of this building don't like having it tagged by these gangs."

In a perfect world, building management would take care of these matters immediately, but Uptown's not perfect. We recommend that all residents call in gang tags to 311 whenever and wherever you see them, including these. How about it, folks -- want to make a call to 311 and ask that these be removed ASAP?


  1. If you are outside and can see graffiti, then you can and should call 311 about it. It's that simple.

  2. well put daniel. it's not any building manager's responsibility, it's all our responsibility. calling 311 now...

  3. Ok actually I'm doing a 311 request online. Does someone know whether this graffiti is on the front, back or side of the building?

  4. FYI - an online 311 request gets processed more slowly than calling (according to the site). Which side of the building is it on?
