Monday, July 21, 2008

CTA: How Many People Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?

We would like to consider getting light under the L tracks last year a success, but alas, there are still lights out around our Wilson L stop long overdue of changing. Click the photo above to count the 4 lights (in red circles) that were never replaced last year. Now let's check out the Wilson L entrance on Wilson shall we? How many lights do you think are burnt over there? We count 4 as well. As if our station isn't seedy enough, dark entrances do not encourage people to use this station. You would think these lights would have been replaced when the station was shutdown on the weekend for major repairs. You would think a lot of things. Call 311 and the CTA at 888-YOUR-CTA and let them know this safety hazard needs fixed pronto!

1 comment:

  1. I contacted the CTA about this and got a typical response... email chain below.

    To: Me
    Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 13:00:17 -0500
    Subject: RE: Lights out at Wilson El Stop

    Thank you for the clarification; we just need to know for our records if a report is coming from a customer's own observation or is forwarding another person's information as a third party.

    It is uncertain whether those lights are CTA jurisdiction or City jurisdiction, but we have asked our maintenance official to repair the lights or forward the request as appropriate.

    --CTA Customer Service

    From: Me
    Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:54 PM
    To: cta help
    Subject: RE: Lights out at Wilson El Stop

    I use that stop and have noticed the darkness as well. I didn't realize lightbulbs were out; I thought they were never there to begin with. It's an issue regardless of where the report stems from.

    To: Me
    Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 09:03:28 -0500
    Subject: RE: Lights out at Wilson El Stop

    Are you reporting this from your own observation, or just forwarding that online comment to us?

    --CTA Customer Service

    From: Me
    Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:53 AM
    To: cta help
    Subject: Lights out at Wilson El Stop

    Good morning,

    At the Wilson El stop (red line), several light bulbs are out both at the station entrance and underneath the tracks. If you need to know specifically what lights are out, you can check here. This station is already scary as hell and not being well-lit certainly doesn't help. Please get a CTA employee out there to change the lightbulbs as soon as possible.

