... Damn it!
This one was at Malden and Leland (corrected) shortly before 5 p.m. tonight.
One person was hit and taken to the hospital in critical condition; two shooters fled. One was taken into in custody at 1255 Wilson and one is being searched for.
Check Uptown Crime Blotter for updates; they're blogging as fast as they can to keep up.
The picture above is the crime scene (which is Leland, extending between Malden and Magnolia) at 5:30, sent in by a reader.

Another photo from a reader at the scene. We're getting some conflicting information about the suspect who was apprehended; it's possible the photo directly above shows where he was caught, on Leland rather than on Wilson.
We're sure details will become clearer as time goes on. Right after and during a crime, it gets a little fuzzy in the heat of the moment.
UPDATE: A reader on the scene tells us that a woman with two small children, one so young it's in a baby carrier around her neck, had driven through the crime scene very shortly before shots rang out. Her van was shot (we think when it was parked, not while she was in it). Everyone's safe. Her husband is currently stationed in Afghanistan; why the heck is it that his wife and kids in the States are closer to gunfire? Our reader closes with "I hope people understand how serious this is."
UPDATE #2: This is the Tribune's story on it:
"A man was in serious condition after being shot on the North Side in the Sheridan Park neighborhood shortly before 5 p.m., authorities said. The man was shot in the 1200 block of West Leland Avenue at about 4:45 p.m., said Officer JoAnn Taylor, a police spokeswoman. He was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in serious to critical condition, said Joseph Roccasalva, a Fire Department spokesman. Belmont Area detectives are investigating."
This is turning into a weekly occurance, and the problems are almost always in the same spot. This is absolutely insane. Good thing we've got such a wonderful proactive alderperson. She'll ride to the rescue.
ReplyDeleteActually, looking back, its almost one week later to the minute from the gun battle across Wilson. Maybe the gangs have formed a weekly "gunfight league" at 4:30 on Wednesday afternoon.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm suppose to feel surprised by this shooting, but I don't. That particular spot has been rather iffy for a long time and recently the gangbangers have been working especially hard to make their presence known there.
ReplyDeleteI refuse to get apathetic but it's getting tough not to.
I normally drive this way home from work. Today I got close to the scene before a cop waved a dismissive hand and forced me to turn around.
ReplyDeleteBased on all the activity here, I think it's time to find a new way home!
i just walked up to Soggy Paws and saw the scene, but sadly i don't know anymore information than what has already been provided.
ReplyDeletei've been wondering why the building next to me has been so quiet lately, and i guess it is because the action is across wilson. i live next to 4510 Magnolia, and i'm beginning to understand why my rent is so cheap. if there aren't gangbangers "chillin" out front of their building or mine constantly, there are screaming children running around the yard until uh 11:30 at night, or better all of the above hanging in the front yard area until 3 am screaming and yelling at each other, because apparently nobody else lives in the neighborhood except for them.
now the shootings are making me feel so safe to walk my dog. when is it going to happen to another innocent passerby? will they take this seriously ever?
Dear Helen Shiller:
ReplyDeleteI know you don't give a rats ass about the father who had to grab his child and flee to safety upon hearing the shots, so here is another way to look at what is happening. From what we know now, one young person is in critical condition and if the other person they have in custody is found to be the shooter he will be spending a good deal of time in jail. When he is released he will face a job market where he is basically unemployable. If you don't believe me, I can introduce you to a number of older men in Uptown who will offer you versions of that very story. It either happened to them or to someone they know well.
Gun violence is hurting everyone here. Stop ignoring the problem.
Sincerely, S.
So these are my photos, and I was at the crime scene talking with police. This is where having resources come in to play. I faintly heard shots, checked the crime blotter, and went to the scene.
ReplyDeleteMy friend Robert and our own TJM live here and bullets hit there building.
I don't feel bad for the kid who got shot, or the shooter. I feel bad for a young woman Sarah I met at the scene. She was crying, had a newborn in a babybourne, and a 3 year old in a stroller. She could not get to or take her kids away because a bullet was lodged inside and was evidence. To top it off, her husband is fighting in Afghanistan. How ironic is it that he is in a war zone and she is the one getting shot at? How is this guy supposed to sleep and focus on his goal when he has to now worry that his wife and children are in harms way?
I talked to a policeman on the scene and he flat out said they need more cops in the neighborhood.
Folks, this is serious. This is beyond politics, lifestyle, & economic level.
Have we had enough yet?
She could not get to or take her kids away because a bullet was lodged inside and was evidence.
PS: Thanks, UD for getting involved both this week and last.
i was just out on my back porch and saw the police searching the alley, specifically behind the building next to me that i mentioned previously.i would not be surprised if that building or one nearby is where somebody might have fled.
ReplyDeleteI urge everyone to call Shiller's office tomorrow and ask for, and perhaps politely demand, some answers.
ReplyDeleteWe need to take it downtown. Loudly.
ReplyDeleteI agree thats the next step, but we should at least give Shiller a chance before we start protesting for her removal. I mean, maybe she will say that she's got a plan to unify the community and make it safer. Probably not, but we should at least ask.
ReplyDeleteI really feel it is time for residents to send letters to Shiller asking her (politely) to step aside so an alderman who cares can be appointed in her place.
ReplyDeleteAnd this a couple hours after I told a friend how safe I feel on my block. I'm right at Malden and Lawrence.
ReplyDeleteAs anyone knows who reads this site regularly, I have been an outspoken advocate to clean up the gang mess at Malden and Leland. This shooting occurred literally in front of my doorstep. Had I arrived home from work at my normal time, I would have been walking to my door right as the shots were being fired. Thank God I worked a few minutes late today.
ReplyDeleteAs I stood outside here are some soundbites:
-officer--"you can't go to your building to go inside, the street's a crime scene"
-another officer--"it's those buildings on the corner [Malden and Leland] that's the problem...if you just removed them, there wouldn't be a problem"
-When I asked another officer about why neighbors can easily see gang activity and drug trafficking at all hours from these buildings at the corner of Malden and Leland without even trying, and why police have such a hard time arresting anyone ... is it that these buildings are politically "protected" by alderman Shiller?--response--"it will be a huge difference in crime once she's gone". I told him I can't wait that long for an inept, possibly corrupt alderman to move on before the next bullet hits me or one of my neighbors.
I for one would welcome the governor's offer of the national guard to patrol my streets.
WE NEED to get BUSINESSES and DEVELOPERS involved NOW! Any politician will (rightly or wrongly) pay more attention when a BUSINESS or a DEVELOPER complains.
ReplyDeleteTJM, you may have come up with a genuis idea. Perhaps we can have an Uptown fundraiser in the next week to purchase advertising in the Trib and/or Sun-Times telling the Governor that we in Uptown would love to take him up on his offer... I think this could be a great attention grabber...
ReplyDeleteWell, nickname, her recent campaign contributors list is out now. (See Irish Pirate's site.)
ReplyDelete*Sorry Saskia
ReplyDeleteA bullet was lodged in the young ladies mini van. I noticed that missing, but had to cook dinner for the fam. Working on that dad of the year trophy.
I am open to getting together with some of the best minds of UU and talking about some steps we can take to remedy this situation. Hell I know half of you allready. Even Windycity can come.
I hope those who live around Wilson Yard are paying attention to all this. They will soon inherit some of the same problems we have now.
ReplyDeleteI also hope the Target executives are taking a long hard look at what is going on here.
Alderman Shiller isn't playing games. She also has no plans to step aside or step down. She has a visceral hatred of certain groups of people in Uptown and is doing everything in her power to "get them to move to Lincoln Park."
Not that the comment above from the officer (tjm's post) is exactly what was meant to be communicated, but after living here for over a decade, it wouldn't be surprising a bit if Shiller hasn't blocked police form doing their jobs in that corner of the Ward. There are too many times this same thing has happened not to believe it couldn't also be going on at Leland and Malden. Alderman Shiller's stripes ain't changin' any time soon.
Mark my words, Wilson Yard will be just the same only worse because of the size and bad design. (or good design, if you're in a gang or sell drugs) Target execs, city planners and the local residents better be paying close attention.
In addition to call Shiller's office tomorrow, people should call the 23rd District at 3127448320 to "follow up" on this crime and put some heat on the responding officers. I frequently review police reports and it is amazing how much more complete and focused the suburban police records are than CPD, which is reflected in the lack of interest many of the police seem to be with making arrests and cracking heads in Uptown. For the record, I am a strong advocate of the CPD. We should also try to get some local media attention on all of this. If interested, the mom whose van was shot would make a story the media may eat up - anything to get some attention to this madness.
ReplyDeleteI have lived in Uptown for 5 years and have generally enjoyed it, but I recently decided to move to Lincoln Square due to this type of activity. I live on Beacon and Leland and unfortunately, I am really anxious to move out of this neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteFirst time poster here. Just moved in on Magnolia, between Montrose and Wilson about two months ago and have slowly been digesting all of the politics that surround Uptown. I, like you, would like nothing more for Uptown to be a safe and walkable area like its neighbors to the North, South, and West.
ReplyDeleteI have now sat back and read all of your posts for the past two months, but this most recent shooting has jolted me into action. And by action, I mean more than writing about it on Uptown Update. While the site is wonderful in its attempt to corral those like us with similar views on the future of Uptown, I fear that some find it to be a replacement for good old-fashioned activism. Community meetings (face-to-face) will get more accomplished than you may realize. Let's plan them.
With that said, I am ready to fight, and I hope you are too. We all need to call AND write letters to Shiller tomorrow. And don't just call once. Call 20 times. Piss them off.
I'm not sure if Uptown_Superhero was serious or not, but advertising in the Tribune about our plight can only help. Write e-mails to every staffer on the Tribune. Someone will listen.
Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully a better day. We will no longer sit back and watch Shiller ruin our neighborhood, and perhaps, put our lives in danger. You want your property values to increase and your neighborhood to become safer? Well, let's work for it, and let's do it together. Let's do it now.
This MUST STOP! I have lived here 4.5 years and we all seem to know which buildings are the problem, which people make noise or sell drugs and what the issues are, so why don't the cops??
ReplyDeleteI personally call the police every single time I hear or see anything I dislike. I urge all Malden and Leland owners and renters to do the same. The police might eventually get sick of it too.
Schiller - she just needs to go!
Maybe we all need to have a coordinated Street Rally or Protest and call the news channels.
Letters to the mayor may do more damage than to Schiller. She seems to be expert at covering her tracks, being protected and paying off the right people to vote for her. No one I have ever met has voted for her.
Power in numbers. Let's stop this now. Jennfier lives in my building. That news is awful! I hate to see yet another condo up for sale and give into these thugs!! Cops... are you even listening to the taxpayers?? hellooooo????
Helen killed the blogger..noooooo! Blogger down Blogger down!
ReplyDeleteI feel you KGM.
I like TJM's idea about the add and telling GROD we accept his offer for extra patrol. The police at the scene told a few of us they need more cops. Put the State Patrol on the roads, and the National Guard (no they aren't all in Iraq) on the trains and transportation, and let the CPD take care of the streets.
Oh, and by the way, i LOVE uptown and the area and in 4.5 years I have seen much change, much of it good. Rehabs, families, people walking dogs - more dogs... New business, etc.
ReplyDeleteIn order for more people to move in, our home values to appreciate, new restaurants and small business to come in, we need to do a major clean up now!
Again, this blog is great, but actions speak louder than words although it is a start. I wonder whether we could get a local place of business to sponser a "town hall" meeting of sorts with all local owners/renters, walk with signs if we have to, invite the police, aldermen (Schiller and other neighboring, ,media, and the like, and "Strike" "No More"..It sounds corny, but maybe it jusy might work.
As far as I am concerned, they can just knock down those three buildings, we all know are problems, to the ground!
I am in the same boat as c(orr)uptown and have been laying low, trying to understand the workings on in this neighborhood before saying anything. Now I feel like silence is no longer an option.
ReplyDeleteLike, c(orr)uptown, I feel that some activism is needed. My question is, what does it take to start a neighborhood watch group? That seems like a small change that could make a difference. Anybody know anything about this...or at the very least, who I could contact to find out the steps for starting this?
Thanks to all of you for caring about the neighborhood! People like you make living here feel safer!
A NBC 5 news van is going up and down Leland. Are we finally going to get some news coverage?
ReplyDeleteI've lived in Uptown for nearly a decade, and despite all the new condos and retail, I feel less comfortable walking around the neighborhood now than I first moved here.
ReplyDeleteI'm also angry and concerned, but what should Ms. Shiller be doing to stop the violence? What exactly are aldermen in other wards doing that is actually reducing it in their wards?
I hope someone can explain it to me, because from everything I'm reading in the papers and seeing on the news, the escalating violence doesn't appear at all to be exclusive to Uptown.
I remember when nearly every building on my street had "neighborhood watch" signs in the windows, when almost all the neighbors knew each other by name. They were out working in the front yard or shoveling snow after work, talking across fences or hanging out on front stoops. Now, not so much.
just saw the WGN van driving by
ReplyDeleteFinally some attention - anyone wish to get interviewed? any brave souls? i approached the CBS camara-man who said" I wish for the day I don't have to film stuff like this." Maybe throw something about how Schiller sucks?
ReplyDeletewhat should Ms. Shiller be doing to stop the violence? What exactly are aldermen in other wards doing that is actually reducing it in their wards?
ReplyDelete1) Shiller should be acknowledging that there is a problem rather than sending her campaign manager to greet peaceful protesters with a baseball bat and then subjecting them to accusations of bigotry.
2) She should admit that while the CPD doesn't necessarily have a stellar record on corruption or police brutality, allowing your minions to threaten them with lawsuits at every turn is less preferable than working with the police to root out crime in a fair but comprehensive way. She is stuck in the 60s. There are new approaches in policing that are worthy of consideration.
3) She should get on the horn and ask Daley to give the police their contract and to inquire if their equipment is adequate for the jobs they do today.
4) She should attend CAPS meetings or send a staff person who is not there solely to disrupt the meeting.
5) She should make use of the deep connections that she has in this community to help bring together people of divergent backgrounds and experiences to talk about what is going on and work towards some grassroots solutions.
6) She should ask O.N.E. to start carrying signs that say STOP.KILLING.PEOPLE in Uptown and not just everyplace else in the city.
7) She could use her access to TIF funds, aldermanic menu money or whatever she's got to develop programs that get to the root of why we have a rampant drug trade here in Uptown that is resulting in violence on our streets.
ReplyDeleteThe city has long had notorious crime pockets. What Helen does is enable the crime to continue in her ward by creating and festering the breeding grounds of gangs, drug dealers, and other criminals. This is Uptown, this is Uptown Update, and that was a real shooting. What happens in other Wards is not our concern. We are UPTOWN. I will no longer listen to comparing other wards. I live, raise my kid, and vote in Uptown.
What Helen does not do is more important that what she does do. She does not keep open dialogue with her ward. She does not address the issues regarding violence. She does not speak out. People elect officials to be there voices, they expect to be heard, they expect to be understood. We live in a system of checks and balances, yet Chicago and Daley have bucked that system and become Tyrannical, and his pawns (Shiller, ect.)have followed.
I don't care what happens in Evanston, Englewood, Back of the Yards, Florida
Now, lets fix our problems.
Want to send a message to Helen, to get her either off her ass, or out of that council chair?
ReplyDeleteElections aren't the only time we can be heard.
Send a message to local businesses who have donated to her:
You do business with her, we stop doing business with you.
Look over the list at IP's site to find out who we should stop doing business with, and get the word out.
Everyone who's given her money can enjoy a slice of guilt in all of this, as well.
IE - McDonald's, Tattoo Factory, Windy City Gyros, Sutcliffe Pharmacy, and (sadly to some) Smoke Dreams.
Also, dissuade people from purchasing/renting from any of the developers on her list, as well.
And ..., check the list of individual contributors. If anyone on that list looks familiar to you, be sure to thank them for the blood they've helped splatter on our streets.
If you want her attention, don't attack her, attack her money.
(ps - what is it with a few grand coming to her from donors in Washington state?)
How about this guy?
No more Mr. Leather people. He gave over 1000 in 6 months. What the hellen?
I am interested in calling Schiller's office tomorrow, but I am at a loss of what to say specifically.
ReplyDeleteI can speak to the fact that I am a resident of the building where the shooting occurred and would like to know what actions will be taken to prevent future events like this. But from there I'm not really sure where to go.
Does anyone have any talking points to offer? And I don't mean the ranting and raving kind; rather something constructive would be more helpful. Thanks
Here's the deal with Helen and "Mr Leather" -- Helen has historically supported gay rights, when few others did.
ReplyDeleteHowever, now that being gay isn't the discriminatory hell it was, and gay couples are flocking to Uptown and becoming gentrifiers and movers and shakers, Helen is no longer their "savior," which is her preferred role.
Suddenly someone who supported gay rights 20 years -- but who opposes just about everything that the gay gentrifiers want in a neighborhood (safety, urban planning, nice homes, strong retail) -- isn't very attractive to gay voters in 2008.
THAT's why so few of Helen's supporters and donors live in the 46th Ward. They have loyalty to "St. Helen" as she was in the 1980s. Or they like the *idea* of Helen, from afar.
But living here in the hell she's managed to create and ignore? Not much support from the home folk.
To "Living on Leland" - I suggest pointedly and respectfully asking her office (you will never speak to her) what exactly is going to be done in response to this shooting outside your building, and politely demanding specific information (Gang TACT officers names, number of officers being put on the case, etc.). Not that they don't already know and/or care, but you should repeatedly remind them that the office is supposed to serve and uphold the rights and needs of citizens/VOTERS like you in the ward she represents. I plan to call as many times as it takes to get through to someone tomorrow, and I hope that everyone takes time out of their day to do the same.
ReplyDeleteliving on leland:
ReplyDelete"I can speak to the fact that I am a resident of the building where the shooting occurred and would like to know what actions will be taken to prevent future events like this."
That's all you need to do.
Let's not forget, she's going to be on a dial-in show, next week.
That'd be a great forum for her to address this.
If she doesn't, we need to remind her of what's on everyones' minds.
I offer this to the UU community--I think we should take action by means of a neighborhood organization. From what I can gather, the overall goal of participants on this site is to revitalize and secure the areas in which we live. IMHO there are 4 main areas that need improvement: Development of local business and economy, proper response from and relations with public officials, halting gang and other crime/violence, and visibility or media coverage of corruption when it cannot be averted. We together posess various levels of expertise that could help facilitate each of these 4 goals. I suggest a meeting of interested parties (bi-weekly? monthly?) during which the individuals with similar skills join together in smaller action committe to brainstorm ideas. The problems seem much less daunting if everybody only has one thing to focus on improving. This will require some organization, but each group could then present their voiced opinions to the whole. Finding a local business to host such a meeting wouldn't be impossible, nor would putting these plans into action. I know personally I would feel as if I actually am doing something to better my surroundings in a strategic manner as opposed to just typing and fuming.
ReplyDeleteWould anybody else be interested in forming such an organization?
I love this area and it pisses me off that I have to worry about getting shot by some retard as I am looking at the beautiful flowers and amazing architecture.
ReplyDeleteWhat is truly sad is that I have found my self walking north towards Andersonville to go to my bank (WAMU) instead of the closer location at Broadway and Montrose. I feel so much safer walking a few blocks north than I do a few blocks south, where all the gangbangers hang out and walk around in groups, just looking for trouble.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON that is allowing these gangs to live so freely protected from the law. There must be stronger penalties.
Would it be possible to get the block clubs together and buy our own cameras for these problem intersections. If the police don't have the man power to clean up these areas than can we? Maybe the buildings on the corners can get cameras and the block clubs can help pay through fund raisers. I would love to contribute money.
There is a reason these gangs are getting away with all this crime. We need to take a different approach to end the violence. This has to end. We have to make the gangs feel scared to conduct business in Uptown. We obviously are not going to get help from our Alderman. Maybe write letters to other Alderman asking for advice on how they deal with crime and let them understand that since we can't get any response from our Alderman we need to write them.
The buildings that shelter these criminals need to be fined to the point of being afraid to let bad tenants and those they protect live in their buildings. The best way to hurt someone is financially, we need to hit them where it hurts.
In my opinion, one of the best ways to react against this escalating violence is, as "yo" said, to hit Shiller where her money is. Since the donations are public, just take the time to email/call/stop by any of these businesses and let them know you are not going to spend your money there and you are encouraging all of your friends to do the same. They will get the message; money talks.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think it's established that the police and the 46th Ward Alderwoman don't get along very well, so as the citizens we have to be the ones to constantly call about anything we see. The statistics are based, in part, on call volume and activity, like these shootings, which may give us an advantage in getting more police resources.
In the meantime, call/email/write Shiller but also don't hesitate to go around her office and email others. Her boss, her constituents, her allies in the community. The bottom line is that things must change and, while not the sole source of these problems, our complacent and indifferent representative is a catalyst for such ocurances.
As more of us become vocal and active, putting the pressure on, I believe we can make positive changes by being active citizens. Just remember, keep hitting her in the pocketbook. Money talks!
Is this a good start?
ReplyDeleteObjective: Alderman Shiller must attend local CAPS meetings and take questions from attendees.
Plan of attack: Boycott every business in the 46th Ward and hold them accountable for her attendance. If she attends, the boycott is lifted. If she doesn't attend, the boycott is back on.
The longer our local elected officials dodge this problem, the stronger the government in exile grows taking matters into its own hands.
Here's the rest of the story on Renslow and his contributions to Helen Shiller. The guy is on felony probation for posession. The drug trade that is fueling all this violence is actually contributing to her campaign.
ReplyDeleteShame of Renslow and shame on Citizens for Shiller for accepting his "donations".
UNBELIEVABLE...a quick search for news in the Tribune and Sun-Times on the mid-day gang shootiong in a residential neighborhood...and instead THIS is the Uptown story posted today:
ReplyDeleteSquad car involved in Uptown crash
July 23, 2008
Two Chicago Police officers suffered bumps and bruises after a car rear-ended their squad car early Wednesday in an Uptown neighborhood intersection on the North Side.
A car rear-ended a squad car about 1:15 a.m. at the intersection of West Montrose Avenue and North Hazel Street, according to Town Hall District police. Two police officers inside the squad suffered bumps and bruises and were treated and released from Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center.
A witness said the squad car had rear-end damage and also may have clipped a pole and possibly hit a building.
Both vehicles had to be towed from the scene and speeding was not thought to be a factor, Town Hall District police said.
The crash was not a hit-and-run, and as of 3:15 a.m., there were no citations but the investigation was ongoing.
It is nice to see that Citizens for Shiller aren't above fleecing companies of much needed funs.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that they got $300 from Brightview Care Center. I visit patients in there, and let me tell you that they don't have $300 to spare. Or maybe they do with the awful care and the dirty facilities. How does a guy with no legs take months to get a new wheelchair?
Wouldn't most of us have the moral code to reject donations from this place and insist they put it to use with their patients?
Also most these patients are wards of the state. Isn't getting a donation from this place amount to one government entity donating to another?
Makes me want to puke.
Has anyone ever considered also targeting the owners of the problem buildings? Several incidents seem to involve individuals who live or hang out at specific buildings. Why not pressure the owner to clean up their building as well? Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteSorry TJM, but that made me laugh. Reminds me of "The Naked Gun" when he forgets to put his squad car in park and it roles down the hill hitting everything in it's path. Shots are fired as the car rolls away. Frank yells "Did anyone get a license plate?"
ReplyDeleteThe other officers around are like "NO", "No", then you hear "I didn't think to look"
Classic, two cops get hit and not one gets a plate.
You stay classy Chicago.
Earlier this year, the Uptown Chicago Commission helped organize an apartment managers task force that now meets on a regular basis. Apartment managers meet to discuss best practices to deter and prevent crime in and around their buildings. They are also reviewing better screening practices so that their other law-abiding tenants feel safer.
ReplyDeleteThe response has been really good, and we've been able to get managers of some buildings with known drug activity to agree to attend. The 23rd District Police have been extremely supportive. It's a small step, but we believe it's one way to make a difference.
memselfni5 - the clarendon park neighborhood association has started a neighborhood watch. E-mail them at CP Neighborhood Watch [cpneighborhoodwatch@gmail.com] to get more information.
ReplyDeleteWe NEED to do something. I think there have been a lot of good ideas so far. I think we should have a meeting to form a game plan. That way we can talk instead of waiting for someone to post another blog. We shouldn't wait for a CAPS meeting or anything like that, it should be an Uptown Update meeting and everyone is invited. Dates, times, place suggestions?
But no help from HRC buildings right? Would it be useful to this community to make a map of the buildings that have had issues or would that not be a good idea?
ReplyDeleteMurray, I like your "government in exile" concept. I don't know what Shiller is doing. Doesn't she realize that ANYONE she or Daley support for next alderman will automatically be suspect from people who are starving for representation?
Wildcat: I didn't hear about Chuck Renslow's drug violation--could you please point me toward a link?
ReplyDeleteUptowngirl, I concur that an in-person meeting might be a good direction to go in next. We should also get heavily involved in the National Night Out in August since that is already being planned.
ReplyDeleteRight now vigilante justice is looking very appealing to me. Organizing is a great idea. I know that we'd want to get together well before Aug. 5th, but maybe we can put something in place and spread the word at the next CAPS meeting. We need to think big. Letter writing and boycotting businesses hasn't been working and I'd hate to see especially Soggy Paws and Agami suffer just because they chose to set up shop in Uptown. They're suffering already. I won't be walking there just because I don't want to find a bullet in my skull walking past Leland and Malden.
ReplyDeleteWe are relatively new to the neighborhood and live across the street from where the shooting took place. While I was very upset last night I am even more disgusted today not to see anything in the newspapers about this tragedy. There are many children and innocent people in the neighborhood who were lucky they were not hurt in this incident. What do we need to do to get the press involved. Maybe this will put more pressure on Schiller.
ReplyDeleteJust called the 23rd district. Guy that answered the phone was very rude. Told him I wanted to follow up on the shooting, see if they still had the guy in custody, etc. He kept asking me who I was and told me that he won't give me any information. I said I was a concerned citizen wanting to know what I could do to keep myself and my neighborhood safe. He said there was no where for me to go to get information. Maybe I'll try Shiller...
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing that Shiller LOVES more than this type of violence in Uptown. She wants it to be a dangerous, scary, notorious area that families, law abiding citizens, and potential property buyers to avoid. She cares about one thing only - keeping the number of scumbags who can be rounded up to vote for her high, and the number of good people who are likely to cast a vote for anybody but her low. It is so utterly offensive to us, her supposed constituents, that she makes no response to this violence. In all reality, she probably laughs about it. She is a !!!!SOCIOPATH!!!! just like these animals who are doing the shootings.
ReplyDeleteWe're right down the street at the corner of Lawrence and Malden (not the building Drummer Guy is in, but right next to it). It's freaky, but I think all y'all are right--we shouldn't stay holed up in our apartments. My gf and I are going to Crew tonight to watch Project Runway, for example, if any of you want to meet up.
ReplyDeleteI like Spinner's way of thinking. We're all neighbors; let's get to know each other and collaborate in our fight against violence/gang bangers. Can't do tonight, but maybe a list-serve is in order...
ReplyDeleteWell late last night at about midnight I was driving down montrose over by worlds gym and the police had the street blocked and with multiple squad cars and an ambulance. Is the continuation of what was happening earlier . I had to drive all the way around to get down montrose.If someone gets a chance ask about that one too.
ReplyDeleteHi friends, I offer two comments this morning.
ReplyDelete1. We need to make sure those living along Marine and in Buena Park are aware of what is going on. Unfortunately, they are more than a bit uneducated on what happens in the center of Uptown. Their area has been extensively redone and are blissfully unaware of what is happening only blocks from their home.
2. I was serious is suggesting a fundraiser to purchase ads in the Trib and/or Suntimes taking Governor B up on his offer for National Guard troops for Uptown. If the newspapers won't cover the story, then we need to be aggressive on educating them about it.
3. We may want to target specific businesses that support Shiller. To be frank, it is their money that is buying her policies. If we do not make them accountable for their actions, then what is the point in posting a link on her contributors. Perhaps we start releasing a "Hall of Shame" of those folks.
ok, it was 3 comments, before some smartass points out my error..
ReplyDeleteI know that the police have their hands full- another number that we can call is 1-800-crack-44, this is the number for the feds.
ReplyDeleteI've called it in the past- maybe more of us should call it as well?
That corner is a becoming an open air drug market.
"I'd hate to see especially Soggy Paws and Agami suffer just because they chose to set up shop in Uptown."
ReplyDelete- whirlofagril
If Soggy Paws/Agami don't contribute to Shiller, they've nothing to worry about.
So far, they don't (since they're in the 48th, not 46th).
The blacklisting of businesses would not be a cure-all, but a start.
Crew is outside of the 46th Ward. The outrage in the 46th does affect them, but there is leverage in meeting about issues predominantly about the 46th at an establishment in the 46th.
ReplyDeleteWhatever the venue we will need three things: tables, seats, and a merchant willing to turn down the manufactured noise so as not to drown out the natural noise emitting from our discussion.
tjm----please support your neighborhood newspaper by taking out a subscription to the News Star or the Booster. At times, they are our only reliable source of reporting. They rely on subscriptions and advertising so open up your checkbook.
ReplyDeleteDriftwood has always been a good place to meet. The owners would probably let us turn down the music and other distractions, the only questions is: is it big enough?
ReplyDeletegood (3) points, uptownsuperhero.
ReplyDeleteAs for boycotting businesses, I felt a bit bad for Paul Collurafici (Business Partners Pres. & owner of Tattoo Factory) a few months ago when people on this blog were claiming that the Chamber was in bed with Shiller and that what local residents are asking for is only good for their businesses. Now we see that Collurafici felt it necessary to go ahead and make a non-election year contribution to "Citizens for Shiller" anyway. Nice.
ReplyDeleteWe have to support our local businesses. The big contribution $$$ come from developers, not mom & pop shops who feel threatened to contribute to survive.
Pablo, that is just a stupid comment. I do not care who contributes, they chose to write a check and are completely responsible for their actions. Period.
ReplyDeleteThe district station can not give you information on persons in custody. Other than if he/she is in the lock-up. And since the 23rd District does not have a lock-up they would not have the information anyway.
Pablo if they make a deal with the devil then I can't help them.
ReplyDeleteOk, back to the shooting. I just wrote Sen Steans and Rep Harris and asked what they planned on doing. A few of us met with them over a month ago, and they promised to look in to the buildings where the trouble was happening and take the landlords to task. Well yesterdays shooting was at one of those locations.
Please jump on and email them asap
hsteans@senatedem.ilga.gov; greg@gregharris.org;
Let them know your frustrations
Not to sound overly dramatic, but local businesses who support Helen have blood on their hands.
ReplyDeleteI'm perusing the list, now, and doing some research (results of which, I'll post ... somewhere).
There are only a few specific businesses who donate, directly. (Ie - Tattoo Factory, McDonald's); but, pablo is correct, the majority of donors are developers (I'm digging through their records, as well).
Still - the point needs to be made clear: We won't support you if you support her.
What I'm finding "amazing" in my research, so far, is how many developers that are contributing have curious backgrounds.
IE - one in particular, an investment group, was sued for what appears to be a violation of the Fair Credit Act.
Dig, and ye' shall find all sorts of tasty nuggets.
Let's see how many cockroaches scatter when some light is added to the mix.
I think all this cyberventing serves a useful purpose for helping relieving the stress caused by the shooting incident, even if it nothing organized comes out of it.
ReplyDeleteBut unlike what some posters are saying, I can't make the connection that the folks causing this mayhem actually have their acts together enough to support and vote for Helen Shiller, let alone register to vote, period.
A few of us met with them over a month ago, and they promised to look in to the buildings where the trouble was happening and take the landlords to task.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great first step. The landlords should be hit first and hardest. All gangs need a base of operations where the leaders live. And if this building in question has, as some have said, non-residents hanging out on the property, if there are disturbances coming from the building (babies crying, loud music, shouting) that disturb surrounding neighbors with no attempt by the landlord to correct the situation, then the landlord can be held accountable.
The "Broken Heart" addressed just such an issue a couple of years ago. There may be some answers there
The animals pulling all of the triggers aren't likely to vote, agreed.
ReplyDeleteHowever, as mentioned somewhere in this thread, previously, those who support Helen, by association, support her policies.
I'm thinking that the only way to get her attention is to hit her where it hurts, in her money-stream.
If we can make her donors (many of whom don't even live in the 46th ward) start to feel a little heat, it may grab her attention just enough for her to take notice and possibly do something.
Heaven knows, she's not doing anything, now (save for looking on while her constituents get shot, of course).
No, but Shiller makes sure that the petty criminals who pee on the street and smoke crack are pulled in to vote with a free lunch. When someone can openly smoke crack on a residential street without getting busted, gang bangers/drug dealers (whether voters or not) see a gold mine and a good place to "do business."
ReplyDeleteI think an initial meeting is more important than leverage right now. Driftwood/Crew, whatever. I really liked that idea for the Tribune/Suntimes ad too. How about a billboard or a side of a building we can rent? Can we get the attention of the media? We need to embarrass the right people and hurt them in their pocket book.
ReplyDeleteUptown superhero, we can't all be smart like you. Let's run all the businesses out of here, so we can have more vacant store fronts and an even bigger ghetto. Sounds like a smart plan to me. Thumbs up, uptown superhero. BTW superhero, great job on all your crime fighting in uptown, it's working wonders. You might want to change that name.
ReplyDeleteAlong the lines of a billboard, any Uptown residents own homes with balconies/building sides that line the "L"? We could advertise on the property.
ReplyDeleteWe have it on good authority that Unique So Chique is more than willing to host a crime/community issues meeting. Make it happen UU readers!
ReplyDeleteMany times I have thought of contacting the landlord of the building next to mine, specifically 4510 N. Magnolia. and I now see that the buildings on Leland are in the same situation. So, how can we find out manages the property? I know that not everyone in 4510 is responsible for this mayhem, but I do know that this where the problem resides. Even last night I had to shut my windows because they were in front of my building, yelling and screaming for no apparent reason, and loitering for no apparent reason. and once again the children next door were out playing in the yard as late as 10:30. I'm not an old lady, and I certainly do not care if someone is hanging out in their yard until whenever, but when their noise, garbage, drug deals, and now gunshots start interfering with the comfort level of myself and others who live in the area; well that is when I lose my patience. I do call 911 for noise disturbances, or on occasion the sound of gunshots, and a few other occasions fighting; but nothing happens. There is no consequence. Since yesterday's incident I have written Helen Shiller and sent another email to the 23rd district police address. I'll send emails and letters to whomever. The only reason I do not call is because I am at work all day and have to use my phone for my job.
ReplyDeletekeep the suggestions coming. I'm up for doing whatever it takes to get the message across to the authorities. In fact I've even included a note with my rent check to my landlord that I'm very displeased with the violence in the neighborhood, and specifically with the neighbors at 4510 Magnolia.
I will donate money for a trib advertisement, balcony billboards or whathaveyou. I've got all this money freed up since I don't have to give any to my local alderman! :)
ReplyDeleteif we don't get the entire community involved in a solution, there won't be a community left to involve.
Businesses won't survive if their clientele are constantly catching bullets.
And new consumers won't enter into a war zone to buy their little baggies in-which they can transport their beads.
We're at a turning point, here. Do we save Uptown, or let it become a baby Detroit?
By law, every rental that is multi-dwelling, must post the management company name and a phone number on the front of the building. I'd suggest that we take note of these names and numbers and call directly.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure who to contact if the information isn't posted as required. Maybe Shiller's office???
Follow up to someone's post about lack of news articles. Trib does have something, but they're getting specific. This is the Sheridan Park neighborhoods; no Uptown references.
Uptown Update
ReplyDeleteUnique So Chique will host.
A meeting is in the works.
Location, time and agenda will be available by tomorrow.
Open to Ideas, and such. Right now the topics are crime, and also business. FYI, it will not be a Helen bashing event. We understand she is not willing to help, now we must move on with the people who want to.
I walk past 4510 several times a day and haven't been able to find any mention of the property management's name or number. I'm also kind of wary of staring at the building, because they already seem to hate me because my dog barks at them incessantly. Maybe I can ask my property manager if they might know.
ReplyDelete"Along the lines of a billboard, any Uptown residents own homes with balconies/building sides that line the "L"? We could advertise on the property."--Meghan
ReplyDeleteYes, and with each new crime in the area, we could somehow publicize and update it for impact. It might be difficult cos the paint will always be wet.
First of all, how many of us really frequent these businesses in Uptown? Enough to run them out of business, I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteMost of the blood is on the hands of the developers, maybe in a condo that you (or me) live in.
The blood is also on the hands of anyone bitching on this board who didn't go out and vote for change in the last election. I voted for Cappleman (and donated to his campaign), but cleary enough of us with a financial stake didn't get off our butts to vote.
I am part of the Clarendon Park Neighborhood watch, but after 50 people signed up, I am one of ten or so who actually goes on the walks.
I suspect most of you vent on this board, and that's all you do.
I can't make the connection that the folks causing this mayhem actually have their acts together enough to support and vote for Helen Shiller, let alone register to vote, period.
The animals pulling all of the triggers aren't likely to vote, agreed.
You would be amazed to know just how many people who appear on the 23rd District court advocate calendar, and the 23rd District's "Most Notable Arrests" are not only registered voters, but voted in the last aldermanic election.
It's all about loyalties, both to family members who support certain politicians, and to politicians who turn a blind eye to certain activities and allow them to continue.
Remember, too, that our gangs aren't so much "animals" as corporations. The killings and shootings have motives besides "I want to go out there and off someone."
It's very highly organized and thought-out. This is how these guys make money. This is their occupation. They take it very seriously.
And, like any corporation worth its salt, it pays to keep your friends happy and in office.
We aren't dealing with stupid msverick kids here. Don't underestimate the gangs.
Contact Ben Joravsky at the Chicago Reader and invite him (urge him, and direct him to this Web site!) to attend the meeting at Unique So Chique.
ReplyDelete312-828-0350; ask for him (or his voicemail).
If Ben comes, he'll appreciate the opportunity to get background and a multitude of quotes from many local residents without having to reach them by phone.
(If you want me to call him, I will.)
You would be amazed to know just how many people who appear on the 23rd District court advocate calendar, and the 23rd District's "Most Notable Arrests" are not only registered voters, but voted in the last aldermanic election.
ReplyDeleteYOu'd be amazed at how organized gangs can be when it comes to voting for someone they think they can "work with". There were incidents a few years ago with hordes of gangbangers showed up to register to vote for an alderman in another part of the city. Out of "civic duty" I'm sure.
No media necessary. If Ben hasn't found his way to this story it is because he doesn't want to. I'd love to have the luxury of living far away (like many of Helen's donors), sipping a cocktail and waxing poetic about the idea of her. Reality bites.
ReplyDeleteTrumanSquareNabr: I'd need some documentation to believe your assertion that these folks (unless your talking about the landlords who rent to them) actually vote in elections.
ReplyDeleteI go by what Mary Schmich reported in a column a month or so ago when she interviewed a guy working on his PhD in gang behavior: That most of these shootings stem from petty bs, like messing with someone's woman or for perceived "disrespect" by someone. Sure some of them are over turf and drugs, but many are committed by mental-midget, testosterone-fueled teen youth.
Let it be known that Kahawa coffee house (838 W. Montrose) has also offered to host. This would also be a great way to support a new local business that is struggling to survive.
ReplyDeleteBJ -- it's all public record. Feel free not to believe me.
ReplyDeleteNow, back to the subject at hand...
Saskia: When the meeting information is posted, Im gonna call Joravsky and let him know when and where. I'll also direct him to this posting for background.
ReplyDeleteIf Ben does show, please don't discount him simply because Billyjoe managed to get him interested in coming.
BillyJoe: I don't think any one would argue that the kids in the gangs are just as you described him. But you and TrumanSquare are talking about two different levels of people in the same organization--the higher ups are just as Truman Square described, and they have power over their "minions" in a lot of ways.
ReplyDeleteIn a way you are right, BJ but the leaders are "corporate" and they have ways to make the rank-and-file cool it if they want to. It is not all random like you imply.
ReplyDeleteActually, we HAVE to set it up at Kahawa -- the owner just promised free coffee at the meeting! He said he can do it anytime but recommended either of the following two times:
ReplyDelete1.) Tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 7:00 p.m.
2.) Saturday at 1 p.m.
We have an agenda all ready to, and will ask the Uptown Updater to add this to his calendar.
Sorry Uptown_Dad... I hate to steal it away from Unique So Chique, but I think it's very important that we support this brand new business in our neighborhood. Plus, who doesn't appreciate free coffee?!
Media is a good thing. We can't say, "Oh the Trib ignores us because they're in Shiller's pocket" or "The part of the ward along the lake at Irving isn't aware of what's going on" and then say we don't want the word to get out.
ReplyDeleteJoravsky, despite his (iMHO) ill-conceived support of Shiller in the past election, seems intelligent and willing to go after a good story. His extensive research about, and crusade against, the TIF-ization of Chicago has made me respect him quite a bit.
Response from Shiller's office:
ReplyDeleteHello -
There was a shooting on Malden and Leland yesterday (Tuesday) at 5pm. According to the 23rd District Police Commander, the Tactical Team was in the area and apprehended a suspect shortly after the incident. The victim was not fatally injured.
Our office is in near daily contact with the police. Alderman Shiller is doing everything to ensure that the police have the support and the resources that they need. Both the 23rd and 20th Districts have obtained additional manpower. They are aware of areas that need special attention, which is why the Tac. Team was positioned to make that arrest immediately after the incident last night.
We cannot discuss ongoing police operations, but please be assured that our office and the police department are working dilligently to end violence in our neighborhood.
TrumanSquareNabr: I'd need some documentation to believe your assertion that these folks (unless your talking about the landlords who rent to them) actually vote in elections.
"The indictment says that the gang laundered profits from drug sales through its community-outreach organizations, like Save the Children Inc., a nonprofit group whose stated purpose is to encourage children not to join gangs, and 21st Century V.O.T.E. (Voices of Total Empowerment), which supported Wallace Bradley, a former gang member, for a seat on the Chicago City Council. Mr. Bradley was defeated in the April election."
""Money got free tickets from Hoover's wife,' he says,
referring to Gangster Disciple chieftain Larry Hoover, serving a
150 to 200 year sentence for a 1972 murder. It was Hoover who
conceived 21st Century VOTE and launched the G.D.'s into politics.
"We went to the concert," the young Mickey Cobra continues.
"Thought it was chill. Shit. Mad G.D's there. Money flipped."
The young man remembers the aftermath of the ill-considered concert
attendance. "Shootin' much G.D.'s," he recalls."
Q: Who owns 4510 N. Magnolia?
ReplyDeleteQ: Who manages 4510 N. Magnolia?
My search shows that Habitat Company owns it. I do not know if they manage it. Habitat Co does not list 4510 among their owned properties on their website. However, they only list their better properties.
Some things do come up when I did this search. Things that make me think of the Duff family of schemers.
Persons that have registered their address at 4510 N. Magnolia show up as minority owned firms that have received contracts from the City Colleges of Chicago, the CHA, and the State of Illinois. As you drill deeper you find the same firms with OTHER branches with listed owners that do not appear to be owned by minorities.
I think it's a bad idea to have members of the media attend these events. I don't maintain any quarrel if members of the press would like to wait outside and ask questions of people after the conclusion of the event.
ReplyDeleteYou will yield much of the advantage if you just have the press sit in on the discussion. The press can then write any story they want either in your favor, your opponents favor, but most likely the reporters' own favor.
Thank you so much for finding out about 4510!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update, Megan.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I don't believe a word of it.
As mentioned before, Shiller's given up on her responsibilities in her ward, so let's work around her as best we can.
Idea: if we hold regular meetings such as the one proposed, we can rotate the location.
This month at the coffee house, next month at Unique, and so on.
If businesses are willing to support a safer neighborhood, we can support them.
And no, the businesses who are supporting Shiller aren't likely to be ones most of the folks on here would go to, but every little bit helps.
And let's not forget about those who read this blog and don't post comments. 430,000+ clicks says a lot about scope.
The condo owning/yuppie/dog walker types aren't the ones being targeted. "We" are not the victims.
And "we" are not the only ones to read this blog, and/or can get involved.
The folks Helen keeps under her thumb ARE the ones ending up victims of high velocity lead poisoning.
The goal isn't to put anyone out of business, it's to alert them that we expect them to be good neighbors.
Being a good neighbor entails NOT propagating a woman who is more willing to step over the blood in her streets than to lift a finger in a response to stop the flow.
The streets of any community run in both directions.
April-----this is like deja vu all over again. 4510 N Magnolia is a CHA scattered site. It is managed by Housing Resource Center on the 4400 block of Clifton.
ReplyDeleteHope this info helps.
It is official --> It's official -- Tomorrow (Thurs) at 7 p.m. Emergency meeting of FORUM (Friends Organizing to Repair Uptown's Mismanagement) at Kahawa Coffee House. Owner will provide free coffee (they also have lattes, smoothies, pastries that, while not free, are nonetheless delicious!).
ReplyDeleteOn the agenda are 4 main areas that need improvement: 1.) Development of local business and economy, 2.) proper response from and relations with public officials, 3.) halting gang and other crime/violence, and 4.)visibility or media coverage of corruption when it cannot be averted.
Whoever these people were staying with at 4510 N. Magnolia, under the terms of their CHA lease, should be evicted.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 of the CHA lease says:
(m) To refrain from and Cause resident authorized members and guests to refrain from:
2. Engaging in any criminal activity that threatens the life, health, or property of other residents....or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises.
(n) To refrain from and keep persons under the resident's control from engaging in any criminal activity that threatens the health, safety, or right of peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents.....or persons residing in the immediate vicinity. To have persons under the resident's control refrain from any drug-related criminal activity on the premises.
Section 16, (b): This lease may be terminated by the CHA at any time only for serious or repeated violations of material terms of the lease. The lease will be terminated if: 16. There is any criminal activity engaged in by the resident, any authorized member of the household, a guest, or another person under the resident's control that threatens the health, safety, or right of peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents...or persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises; 17. There is any drug-related criminal activity on or off the premises by the resident, any resident authorized member, or a guest;
"The condo owning/yuppie/dog walker types aren't the ones being targeted. "We" are not the victims"
ReplyDeleteThis is correct. The crime that takes place in the 46th is very precise. Those partaking in criminal acts do nearly everything they can to prevent their crimes from reaching into communities that can assert economic, political, or social clout to clamp down on their activity.
I notice the here and there verbal harassment of these people, but crimes committed against them are designed to be minor, mostly insolvable acts.
I find Shillers office response amusing. ALMOST every day they are in contact with police. Would phone calls made from her taxpaid and emails for her taxpaid computer be subject to a Freedom of Information Act request? I would really like to have some specifics on what they are doing, vs. her office press release.
ReplyDeleteI live on the other side of you at 4520. Here is the contact info for HRC, who manages the building:
Scattered Sites Northeast
4429 N. Clifton Avenue
Chicago, IL 60640
Phone: (773) 769-1555
Fax: (773) 769-3085
Steven Brown, Property Manager
I will also be calling about noise from that building and tagging - there is very obvious marking on the back of the building on the corner of Sunnyside/Magnolia (alley side) that has a five-pointed star and begins with BPS (Black P Stones). It is small white lettering and I can't believe the cops haven't noticed it, or if they have, done anything about it. There is also tagging on the building on the other side of my building, which I've never seen before, but they've had some new tenants in there.
Do they still have the little dog at 4510? One Sunday morning I was on the phone and just happened to be looking out my front window, and that little dog ran to the strip in front of our building by himself, did his business, and then ran back where a kid let him in, like he was trained to do that. Unbelievable!
I am not able to attend the meeting on Thursday, but would like to attend future meetings. Please keep us updated and let us know what we can do.
what kind of dog is it?
ReplyDeletekmg, james, man-on-the-street, j2c et al----You are spot on about pressuring building management and enforcing the relevant code. We did this many years ago to end a similar horror show of drugs, prostitution and violence that emanated from the subsidized units on the 4700 block of N. Kenmore. Turns out it was just one family. Once they were evicted, the serious problems in that building vanished. It takes awhile and is most effectively pursued by immediate neighbors but the Alderman and her staff can add weight to the complaint, if not fast track it.
ReplyDeleteI know Crew isn't in Schiller's ward, but it's in Uptown, and in the interest of supporting neighborhood businesses, I'm planning on drinking there this evening. Y'all can come join me--I highly recommend their beer-battered chicken tenders. ;)
ReplyDeleteI like Suzanne's comment.
ReplyDeleteRecent updated e-mail from Shiller's office, which I thought was pretty good:
The police are monitoring the area closely, there are a couple of landlords we are trying to reach out to about their tenants, and there are concerned residents who are reporting all they see, just as you do. Call the neighborhood liaison at 23rd District and report any suspicious activity at 312/744-0064.
Make sure your building has adequate lighting and don't be afraid. This IS your neighborhood and ours.
"there are a couple of landlords we are trying to reach out to about their tenants"
ReplyDeletetrying to?
You don't try to do anything in an area infested with bad elements.
Especially if any of these landlords are involved in section 8.
You damn well start banging on doors and correct the matter tut sweet before someone else gets shot.
I was one of the original callers of the shooting. Heard it plain and clear as I walked with my son into our building on Malden. My building was protested by Shiller and others shortly after we moved in 12 years ago, decrying condo owners (as opposed to other property owners?). I'm surprised with the recent shootings happening close to children's parks such as Gooseberry that the media hasn't picked up on it as a story yet. Also.. as an aside.. I'm surprised at the total unwelcome attitude of Crew during a stop by shortly after their opening. I picked an off time to visit with my wife and son since I'd heard good things about them and was right in the area. We were "informed" that there was no children's menu and not much for my son to eat (no..that's ok.. no need for the brick on the head.. we get the hint). Disappointing.
ReplyDeleteShiller herself protested your building?
ReplyDeleteI learn something new about her every day. She was the alderman at the time and she was protesting in front of the homes of her own residents?
Yes sir. Her smiling face was chanting with the rest of the crew of around a dozen. Most of those seemed to be from Edgewater. At least that's we in the building deduced after stealthily talking with a few of the protesters after the actual protest had broken up. The protest seemed to have something to do with gentrification and how "we" were pushing out families of lower incomes. I'm sure she has accepted us by now though.
ReplyDeleteI just want to recommend a strategy if you call or write Shiller's office. I'm on Windsor and Sheridan, where we have had a few shootings, and drive-by's, as well as daily narcotics transactions as well. We also had a problem with loss concrete and bricks that the city left in front of our condo when they installed lights, which the gangs through in our windows and at our cars. There was so much heavy concrete up and down the street, as well as bricks, that I took video footage, and asked Shiller's office to help me get the situation rectified. It turned out that one of her staff members lied to me about its removal during the first three e-mails, and had trouble understanding the English language on the final 5 e-mails. Finally, I threatened to contact Daley's office if they weren't straight with me. After 10 requests, I got the concrete and bricks removed from our street. Apparently, because I have written them so many times about this issue, I am now banned from calling or writing them, according to Denise, Shiller's right hand woman. So, I would suggest having different people call about the same thing, so that your pleas are accepted. thanks.
ReplyDeleteGet your camera out or your cell phone cameras and get the criminals on record forward to police and politicians both to hold them accountable on all levels and step out on Aug 5th let your presence be known we still do out number the criminal losers take back your own neighborhood dont depend on any politician how dumb is that?
ReplyDelete==" I am now banned from calling or writing them"===
ReplyDeleteMe too. LOL.
4510 N. Magnolia is managed by HRC, as outlined above. Previously, Meg Gillman from the police dept. was very helpful in trying to get them to fix the locks (which do get broken again deliberately). There was a representative from the alderman's office who also did meet with them apparently. However, the management did not finish fixing everything and the place is still noisy, litter-filled, and a place to loiter and deal drugs in the front yard. Many of the residents feel similarly helpless (remember the posting from a tenant at 4450ish N. Magnolia?). The prior manager, Steven Brown, was let go and there is a new manager named Steven DeWhite. More letters are in the offing, obviously.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the scattered-site housing has plaques on the front that denote which management company is in charge. HRC, or Hull House, has small writing on burgundy-colored plaques that are on the front of the buildings. They and Voice of the People manage a number of buildings in our area.
ReplyDeletehey commonsense--all of your suggestions are great--however-I've beat you to the punch--all have been done--pics-videos etc--sent--or tried to be sent to police, media, etc.
ReplyDeleteAlan -- sorry about your experience at Crew. I love it; and I think all of their appetizers qualify as kids food!! (fried everything, mac & cheese...)