Sunday, July 15, 2007

Montrose Dog Beach

Most Uptown residents with dogs are frequent visitors of the "Montrose Dog Beach." We will be adding a link to their blog on the right. You can sign up for updates on dog beach events or make donations. If you haven't checked it out, you should. It is a definite asset to Uptown.
"The Montrose Dog Beach is currently the only legal off-leash beach with in the city of Chicago. The dog beach is located on the Northwest corner of Montrose Beach (the point closest to the city). Just follow Wilson Avenue until it curves to the left at the lake. Look for the big corrugated steel walls of the old Boat Launch, and you’re there. The entrance to the beach is to the right (south) of the boat launch, at the end of the path, down the rockwall. There’s a gate in the black fence."


  1. Forgive me, but how is the north end of a beach on the north side the end "closest to the city"?

    That aside, it is a nice asset to the neighborhood.

  2. We didn't quite understand that part either Jack. Perhaps they mean the area around Montrose harbor that juts out and has a good view of downtown...maybe they consider that closer to the city. Not sure...but great spot nonetheless.
