Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lawrence and Clark Construction Update

The area around Lawrence and Clark is seeing a huge construction and rehab boom. Today we noticed that the beautiful building right on the corner, named "Lawrence," appears to be being gutted judging by the windows being removed and retail now closed.
Next door at Rainbo Village, progress remains steady. We now have word from a resident who just purchased in this development that "Panera" has signed on to fill the ground-level retail as well as a "Tea" shop. Our fingers are crossed that it is Argo Tea.
We have also received word that "Lincoln Towing Service" has been sold and a new development will be replacing it. You can see the "Lincoln Towing Service" on the far right in the pic above. The amount of development that has taken place in this block is also apparent with the blue scaffolding in front of yet another upcoming condo building.


  1. re: towing franchise, residential side street, Chicago

    I want to negotiate with Lincoln Towing for the franchise for towing at my property on a residential side street in Chicago.

    I've repeatedly told Chicago officials that research I've done on the history of land sales indicates that Chicago doesn't own anything from the middle of the street to the middle of the alley between the lines on either side of my property. City officials have not responded to or denied my allegation during the past two years. A failure to deny my allegation can be interpreted as agreement with it.

    City officials seem to have promoted the misperception that they own side streets, tree lawns, sidewalks, and alleys because (a) they can tax the people for paving and other services, (b) buy votes with patronage jobs, and (c) get kickbacks on a variety of contracts with private service providers.

    The misperception creates near constant friction between neighbors and eventually destabilizes neighborhoods. When neighborhoods destabilize, mortgage lenders can inflate the next mortgage on the property and city/county officials can inflate property taxes. The inflated cost of shelter inflates the cost of everything else. Then officials at every level of government get to spend inflated revenues from every kind of tax (sales, income, etc.) All because of what seems to be fraud in the matter of who owns what out here on the mean streets.

    · City officials didn't buy the street.
    · So many different people owned a piece of it that no part of them could cede it to the city without the consent of all of them.

    Some officials might argue that they invoked their power of eminent domain. However, the power of eminent domain can't exist in the US because of the fundamental principles of the democracy.

    · All acts of government officials require a foundation in the consent of the people.
    · All consent of the people requires a foundation in the rights of the people.
    · None of the people have a right to seize the landed property (or person or other property) of any other person without that person's consent.
    · Hence, no voter in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, or the US has ever had a right to consent to any government act of seizure. (The only exception would be in cases when an entity has entered into an individual contract with government, and the provisions of that contract allow seizure for non-compliance.)

    The history of Chicago real estate is simple:

    · All land in Chicago was once public land bought and paid for by all the people of the US in their aggregate.
    · Though the status of US government was murky at the time, it’s quite clear that an association of persons arranged the transfer of US soil from foreign governments to the people of the US, and the people paid taxes to finance the transfer.
    · The men who founded the US then arranged for the survey and sale of the land into private ownership.
    · The law that set up survey and sale also set up the template of the bill of sale and deed that government would issue to confirm the transfer from public to private ownership.

    The bill of sale and deed:

    · have no strings attached, and no provision for eminent domain
    · guarantee government's protection of the original purchaser's rights to the property, as well as his heirs and assigns. (All current property owners are his heirs or assigns.)


    · the bills of sale and deeds are contracts and come under the protection of provisions in the constitution that forbid any law that messes with contracts.

  2. "We have also received word that "Lincoln Towing Service" has been sold and a new development will be replacing it. You can see the "Lincoln Towing Service" on the far right in the pic above."

    Let me state that this is so incredibly false. I know the post was made back in 2007, but even then it was a farce bit of info you "received". Lincoln Towing is the leading towing company...IN THE MIDWEST! There's no way on Earth anyone could afford the value of the lot, especially when the lot itself has been around longer than most of the buildings in the neighborhood.

    Lincoln Towing Service is bigger than you think. Lincoln also has a lot on the west side at 4601 W. Armitage, so to assume that because 1 lot "may have been" sold, doesn't mean the company would be. Not in the next 50 years will there be any development replacing the lot where Lincoln Towing is. The owner is a multi-millionaire with people in his pocket. Even if there WERE eminent domain, it wouldn't happen due to the fact that, that only happens when the government REQUIRES to build in that property. It isn't a requirement to have new land development.

    Finally, let me add that the construction of the properties surrounding Lincoln Towing, before put up, are warned that Lincoln (due to being there longer than the construction of the building) has the right to loud noises at all times of the day and night. To have that power would be costly to anyone, even the city.
