Sunday, August 27, 2023

Holiday No More? 7 Story Development Slated For Sheridan & Irving Park

4000-4006 N. Sheridan (Google)

This one really came out of left field. 

Neighbors near Sheridan & Irving Park tipped us off that a "Public Notice" sign has appeared in a window of the vintage building at Sheridan and Irving. Per the sign, the building, most notably home to "Holiday Club," will be replaced with a 7 story, 92 unit development with 36 parking spaces by Catapult Real Estate Solutions. Because of its proximity to the Sheridan Red Line Station and bus routes, it would qualify as a transit oriented development (TOD).

The parcel is zoned B3-5 so this is being completed "as of right," meaning no zoning change will be requested. 2 variations and special use for residences on first floor are being requested. 

Without a zoning change, the city's affordable requirement ordinance will not kick in for either on or off-site affordable units. 

It's still very early in the process and no rendering is available, but hopefully the street level facade could be repurposed. Here's to hoping!

We'd love to see this development across the street in the vacant lot, but Thorek Hospital has been landbanking that lot for some time now. We do love the added density so close to transit, and with the upcoming Sheridan Station rehab (fingers crossed) and the new building in progress at 4102 Sheridan, this is suddenly a hot corridor. 

In a perfect world, Holiday Club could move across the street into the beautifully landmarked and vacant Egyptian building formerly home to Nick's Uptown. That building has been vacant for far too long.

Stay tuned!

Public Notice signage at 4006 N. Sheridan


  1. Mid 20th cent that site was a Walgreens (Wag now opposite side and South)

  2. What about El Palmar? Where will I get my tacos?

  3. Another developer dumping its parking problems on neighborhood streets -- 92 Units but only 36 parking spaces -- in an already parking tight neighborhood. With CTA being a crime infested mess, market-rate tenants will choose to drive rather than ride the 'L.'

    1. Good lord, will you carbrained people ever not be laughable? This is literally across the street from a CTA station. These units will easily rent to people without cars who want to make use of the public transit available within a stones throw distance. The money people save by not paying for cars/gas/insurance/maintenance/a parking spot enables them to affordably rent these market-rate apartments. Not every new building needs to cater to more car ownership.

    2. CTA is an unflushed crime toilet -- that's why most if its ridership is gone for good.

      Moreover, if you actually read the article, you would know that this project will have ZERO affordable units, since no zoning change is requested. These upscale residents will likely prioritize their safety and choose to drive.

      Try learning the facts before you make another uninformed post.

    3. car brain is a disease. "but mah parking"

      managed to get a racist dogwhistle about crime in there too. i think that's a nimby bingo!

    4. Oh please. Point out the dogwhistle. Quickly now. And they're not wrong. Security has decreased on the trains and at the stations. I live literally around the corner from Argyle and I see cops having to haul people off every day. I was assaulted at the Jackson Red Line two weeks ago. I lived by the Pulaski Blue Line for years and I cannot tell you how many times I walked off that train and out of that station to cop cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. Kids are always smoking cigarettes on each and every line. Miss me with your bs.

  4. Have any of the over 40's ever spoken with someone who doesn't own a car? If you think that it's impossible, you haven't tried. At all.
