Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Immaculata Site To Become Temporary Migrant Shelter; Community Meeting On Friday

An email from 46th Ward Alderwoman Angela Clay:

"Dear Neighbors,

It’s been an honor to serve our diverse ward for nine weeks, learning more about the rich culture we share and meeting neighbors who simply want to help make our communities a home for all. Since coming into office, one of the growing challenges facing our city has been the ongoing crisis of neighbors coming from the southern border seeking refuge. Chicago continues to stand up to our sanctuary city values as we work together to offer them long term resources in the form of housing, education, and safe communities. 

Our communities of Uptown, Buena Park, and Lakeview have been playing a vital role supporting new arrivals who have been temporarily staying in our 19th and 20th District police stations.  Mutual aid networks and local faith-based organizations have ensured that neighbors have access to clothes, food, and a welcoming community.  

Now, the city is asking that our ward step up to the plate further and continue to support new neighbors.  Our office was recently notified of a temporary shelter opening in our ward, housed at the former site of the American Islamic College at Irving Park and Marine Drive, originally the building of Immaculata High School. This Department of Family and Social Services (DFSS)-run site will include case workers with wrap-around services, coordinated health care efforts with Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and partner organizations. They will also have a comprehensive safety plan with CPD and on-site security, and will provide 3 meals a day to asylum seekers staying at the shelter. As has been communicated to us by a cross department inter-agency city task force, the site is set to open on July 28th and will house between 500 and 600 new neighbors. 

We know that this is new information for everyone in our community on a short timeline.  Many of you will have important questions and insights, and our office wants to ensure that everyone has access to relevant information and is able to have questions and concerns answered.  Transparent community engagement is a core pillar of our 46th Ward office, and we want to make sure everyone has as much information as possible.  This is why our office, in coordination with the Mayor’s Office, Department of Family and Social Services (DFSS), Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC), and Chicago Police Department (CPD), is hosting a community meeting on Friday July 21st at 6pm at St. Mary of the Lake (4220 N Sheridan).  We want to ensure that everyone in our community is able to access clear information quickly and proactively, and this meeting is one important step in making sure that happens.

Please make sure to follow our social media for additional information about this community meeting, and don’t hesitate to reach out to our office if there are specific questions you want to make sure we address.  An FAQ document answering questions will be shared in the coming days."


  1. Anyone who voted for Clay or Johnson, this is your fault

    1. I'm content with that. The City housing people is not something that upsets me, JM.

    2. Directly across Marine drive from Chicago’s newest 'migrant' shelter, Chicago homeless residents are living in tent encampment squalor.

      Why is one group catered to and the other group ignored.

      Try looking at facts instead of shrieking 'racist' at everything you disagree with.

    3. Pay no attention to the thought terminating cliché.

  2. Good to see the city stepping up in this crisis.

  3. The city or somebody needs to step up. This is going to be a financial burden on the city for years because the Feds are not going to do a doggone thing. maybe Pritzer can give money to the migrants from his foundations. Have you seen the migrants loitering around Mariano's? downtown? Lakeview. I passed a woman breast feeding her baby in the street. One family with an infant was begging for money in front of Mariano's. So they trekked over to the US from a bad situation to go into another bad situation. No English? No money? They don't have family or friends. I feel sorry for the children. I feel sorry for the migrants who were fed a bunch of bull about America and the glory gates would open for them. They're in worse condition HERE than when they were home. Imagine having NOTHING in your country, coming to this country and having to beg for money with your 4 children & an infant?

  4. Interestingly our neighborhood is more welcoming to these folks than many other neighborhoods in our fair city.

    Northwest siders have had fits as have south and west siders.

    Just shows nimbys exist in all neighborhoods and come in all ethnicities.

    Good for Uptown as most of the people at the meeting seemed supportive.

    There should be a website or phone number etc where people can make donations of money, clothes, furniture etc.

    1. Irish you must not watch TV because there are organizations collecting money, clothes donations all over the City. I was listening to Rep Garcia and he chastised the Archdiocese for not stepping up. Since most of the migrants are CATHOLIC you would think the Catholic church would do more. But it's fallen on Non-profs t support the migrants.
      As for Uptown and the northside being more welcoming, not everybody is on board. I'm certainly not on board but there's nothing I can do about it. I pity the women with children who are out in the streets, ripe for prostitution. They left their country with nothing and came to this country and got -- NOTHING. I wouldn't want to be in a strange land, no friends, no family, and not speak the language. And that's their #1 hurdle, none of them speak English.

  5. The 'other group' is not ignored at all - our former Alderman has posted a great deal about this. The tent community is offered many city services - but cannot be forced to accept them. Apparently trust is the issue.

    1. Can someone tell me how I get on the alderman's newsletter list? I can't find her on Google.
      The tent city looks terrible just terrible along Marine Drive and the parks. There outta be a law against pitching tents on city property.
