News arrived this weekend that the building(s) that span 5033-5045 N. Sheridan have been sold above the asking price to a yet unnamed developer.
5033-5045 N. Sheridan (courtesy CRER)
We have been watching this listing since it first hit the market back last fall. It went off market a little while ago, and we now know the property sold after multiple bids for $2,600,000, $100k over the $2.5 million list price.
Given the sales price, we presume the existing building will be demolished and the 15,000 square foot lot will go residential, adding nice density to an area that needs it.
Veteran UU readers might remember that the northern half of this building was a Jewel many many years ago.
We will update as we know more about the plans.
Thats a shame, that's a nice late Art Moderna retail building.