From now until Monday, you can vote at any Early Voting location in the city. The hours are 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday, and 8:30am to 7pm on Monday. All locations are listed here; the ones closest to Uptown are:
- Mather High School, 5835 North Lincoln
- InterAmerican School, 851 West Waveland
- Truman College, 1145 West Wilson
- Welles Park, 2333 West Sunnyside
- Broadway Armory, 5917 North Broadway
- New Field Elementary School, 1707 West Morse
- Warren Park, 6601 North Western
There's also a dropbox inside the Bezazian Library, 1226 West Ainslie (open Saturday and Monday during library hours), and on Election Day only, 6am-7pm, at Wrigley Field (at the Gallagher Way Gate, on Clark).
If you're waiting to vote on Election Day, which is Tuesday, November 3rd, you must do so at your precinct's polling place between 6am and 7pm. Or you can go to the United Center (1901 West Madison), which is a new thing, Election Day only.
Closing with a quote from the late, great John Lewis:
"The vote is precious. It's almost sacred, so go out and vote like you never voted before."
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