Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sheridan Park SRO To Undergo $8.7M Renovation

4707 N Malden, The Miriam (Google)
A 66 unit SRO (Single Room Occupancy) is set to undergo an $8.7M renovation at 4707 N. Malden.

Mercy Housing operates the building known as "The Miriam" and serves women in the area needing supportive services.

Mercy has operated out of the building since 1991.

The construction permit lists the work to be completed for the $8.7M pricetag:

"Renovation of existing 66 SRO units as per plans. Renovation includes new mechanical system, revisions to fire sprinklers configuration, new elevator, new 1st floor layout with amenity spaces, insulation of exterior walls, new roof, new windows, kitchen and bathroom updates and other cosmetic updates."

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