Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Circle K's Request To Lift Packaged Liquor Moratorium Turned Down

For now, there will be no lifting of the existing moratorium on sales of packaged (i.e., over-the-counter) liquor at Weiss Plaza.

In an email sent today, Ald. Cappleman's office says:

"Alderman Cappleman would like to thank you and your neighbors for attending the meeting on Monday, April 23 to discuss the possible lifting of a moratorium at the corner of Sheridan and Lawrence Ave.

As you know, this request was initiated by Mr. Dipak Bhatt who wanted to open a Circle K and a Subway that would also sell alcohol in the form of packaged goods.

Thank you all for gathering the opinions of your neighbors and sending that feedback to our office. Although there were a number of individuals that would be interested in having a convenience store in that location, the overwhelming response was to keep the moratorium on alcohol packaged goods in place.

I have shared your feedback with Mr. Bhatt's attorney and let him know that Alderman Cappleman will not be asking to lift the moratorium.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Tressa Feher
Chief of Staff
Alderman James Cappleman
46th Ward"


  1. Capplemann's policy of seeking input from neighborhood input favors NIMBY non-stakeholders above all else.
