"4th Annual Feed the Homeless
La Ciudad Mexican Cafe and Grill
4515 N. Sheridan Rd.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Help us feed over 100 homeless men, women, and children on Christmas Eve in Uptown. For the past several years, generous donations from Chicago and its surrounding suburbs have ensured that homeless individuals were able to enjoy delicious food and small gifts on Christmas Eve.
La Ciudad is accepting monetary donations, as well as, blankets, socks, hats, gloves, toiletries, and even your time on that day to help make this a special holiday for everyone. Donations are accepted in person at La Ciudad or online at www.laciudadgrill.com
Please submit all donations no later than Wednesday, December 20th.
La Ciudad will be supplying the food for the day, but is also in need of the following:
- Buffet Line servers
- Set-up and clean-up of restaurant
- Additional Line Cooks
- Dishwashing assistance
- Coffee or Lemonade
- Cookies or small desserts for the tables
- Paper plates, paper/plastic cups, plastic silverware for 500 people
- Napkins, to-go containers and plastic bags for 500 people
Questions concerning donations and volunteering should be directed to Tonya Wibbenmeyer at laciudadchicago@gmail.com or by calling 773-728-2887"
Thank you to everyone who can help out and to La Ciudad for making this event possible each year.
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