1020 W. Lawrence |
If you were looking for a another visible change to the streetscape outside of Lawrence House at 1020 W. Lawrence by FLATS, you are in luck. The first windows and framing have gone up in one section along Lawrence. Heritage Outpost will be opening in one of these storefronts as well as the winner of the
#FLATSproject, who will enjoy a year of free rent as well as marketing and build out assistance from FLATS. The new tenants and retail will surely transform this stretch of Lawrence.
If this is another Cedar Street project, will they have full occupancy when it's rented; or will it sit empty like the other properties?
ReplyDeleteI'm beginning to think that developers should consider "micro" apartments, like dorm-size apartments for single people. Maybe set it up so that the occupants live communally. I see so much empty rental property in Uptown/Edgewater, esp. that Sheridan & Argyle monstrosity.
or they could just lower the rent because its too high and it doesn't make any sense why they would rather have empty properties than lower rent?? your idea would just add fuel to their fire.
DeleteWhich properties are empty?
DeleteMonstrosity? You mean the gorgeous rehabbed high rise that used to be overflowing with mentally ill crackheads who wandered around outside the building and harassed passersby? The monstrosity whose total lack of security resulted in one of its residents turning tricks at the now demolished motel on Foster and being murdered and stuffed in a closet? Oh yeah, those were good times. I prefer the current incarnate of that building, thank you...
DeleteAlso, I'm pretty sure that same monstrosity is at capacity, or close to it...
DeleteNone. The "Sheridan/Argyle monstrosity" Lianna is referring to is the Somerset (not a Flats property), and its at near full capacity, if the lights in the windows in the evening is any indication. All the Flats properties seem to be doing well also. Uptown has a lot of issues - a glut of market-rate apartments is not one of them.
DeleteMany big cities are turning to micro apartments. They can be affordable to low-income working people.
DeleteLianna is wrong again. The renovated building is not Flats owned, and is a major improvement to the area. The Flats owned properties seem to be doing very well and are wonderful contributors to the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteThe building across from Target - I never see anybody go into the building. I never see lights on.
DeleteThe building across from Target that has retail for the first time in 30+ years is the FLATS headquarters. It is not residential and is fully occupied.
DeleteThe building across from Target that has retail for the first time in 30+ years is the FLATS headquarters. It is not residential and is fully occupied.
DeleteWould these types of developments be possible if the former alderman Helen were still in charge?
ReplyDeleteLianna and her friends long for their "Golden Years" when Voice of the People and other slumlords controlled the neighborhood, used subsidies to house crackheads, gangbangers, and parolees, and Helen Shiller swooped in to make sure that no one was ever arrested for criminal activity in Uptown. Even if Cedar Street/Flats projects are very successful in restoring derelict buildings and attracting market-rate renters (and paying property taxes and supporting more businesses), they will never be successful in the minds of SOME people as long as they don't give away free housing to dangerous people who prey upon society.
ReplyDeleteI really like the way they've rehabbed Somerset Place. However, for some reason, the place just doesn't look "alive". I'm not sure what would liven it up other than retail tenants. Maybe they'll put planters out with flowers soon. That place used to be really nasty to walk by.
ReplyDeleteI do think that Somerset looks fairly occupied.. but perhaps if they get a coffee shop and/or restaurant with bar in the bottom level.. it'll look more lively :)
DeleteThe rehab of Sheridan Plaza, the Somerset House, and now, the Lawrence house, are all tremendously exciting developments. Uptown is beginning to revive and become an exciting, attractive, urban neighborhood such as it once was.... though we would need another Edgewater Beach Resort to make it what it was in the glory days. Still, what's happening is great.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait until the Lawrence House is complete, including the restoration of the beautiful swimming pool in the basement, that has been shuttered for decades.