Snack 4 Less Convenience Store at 1144 W. Wilson |
"I have noticed, as well as many of my neighbors, that the area outside Snack 4 Less (on Wilson between Racine and Clifton) has really gone downhill. I call 911 regularly on gangbangers openly making drug deals in front of this store. I try to give my business to 7-Eleven because of this. I mentioned all of the loitering and drug issues to the 7-Eleven cashier and they told me that Snack 4 Less is also selling flavored tobacco, which according to the BACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection) is not allowed within 500 feet of an elementary, middle or secondary school. Not many people realize that Truman College has a secondary school inside of it and that would make selling flavored tobacco illegal. The worker I spoke with in 7-Eleven mentioned that they wanted to sell flavored tobacco if Snack 4 Less was. They said the clerk in Snack 4 Less keeps it behind the counter and overhead so if an inspector comes in, it is not visible. I realize this is only part of the problem with the loitering but I wanted to make sure your readers are calling 911 for drug deals and gang loitering in this new hotspot and hopefully the inspectors get on this."
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