Sunday, December 27, 2015

Daily Closures of Wilson Avenue This Week For CTA Platform Work

As work continues on the Wilson L rehab, the CTA will be closing Wilson Avenue to vehicular traffic between Broadway and Clifton, 9am to  4pm from Monday, December 28th through Thursday, December 31st so they can do some concrete work on the new platforms.

Impact to Community:
  • Wilson Ave. will be closed to vehicular traffic but open to pedestrian traffic
  • Limits of operation will be between Wilson & Broadway to Wilson & Clifton
  • Station entrance at Wilson will remain in operation
  • Service drive for Truman College will remain accessible
  • There will be dust/noise while work is being performed


  1. Has anyone seen an update on when Leland is supposed to reopen?

    1. CTA is renewing their work permit monthly to close the street, but the good weather has put them ahead of schedule. If the winter continues mild (don't take today as an indication), they anticipate it being closed through the end of February. At least that's the latest we've been told, these change depending on how the work is going.
