He has a page on his website setting out the reasons he thinks an elected school board is something Chicagoans need and deserve. You can read it here.
But even if you can't make the meeting, if you support an elected school board, you can sign a petition showing your support. Rep. Harris's statement ends:
For these and so many other reasons, I think it is time to have an elected school board to represent our interests and values. To learn more, please join me for a Town Hall meeting on Thursday Nov. 12 at 7:00 p.m.at the Institute of Cultural Affairs (Fifth City Room), 4750 N. Sheridan. Join me, education experts from around the city, Local School Council members and interested neighbors to discuss and mobilize to make an elected school board a reality.
Also, while it is important to urge my colleagues in the legislature to pass HB4268 to create an elected school board, it is important to have the bill signed by the governor. Gov. Rauner has publicly stated his opposition to an elected school board, and his preference for a Board made up of appointed insiders. Join me in gathering petition signatures to urge Governor Rauner to listen to families of Chicago, change his mind and sign HB4628 into law. You can print out a copy of the petition here: Elected Chicago School Board Petition.
I was shocked when I learned upon moving here 8 eight years ago that Chicago's school board is not elected.I don't even understand how it is legal to have an unelected taxing body. I'm glad someone is finally addressing the issue.